720p vs 1080p HD TV's


Apr 3, 2009
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I'm considering getting a HDTV, I'm just having some trouble deciding which to pick. I've read if you sit about five feet or so away from your TV, you can't tell the difference between a 720p and a 1080p, is this true? I do play video games, I have a PS3, which would be the best way to go for video games? I'm guessing 1080p, but if you can't tell the difference if you sit some feet away from your tv, then I'd go ahead and get a 720p, plus they're cheaper. Any help is appreciated. :woot:

There is some difference, but it depends on good your eye sight is, I would think. For example, my wife can't tell the difference, but I can. It's just matter of what you see, is what I would go for, really. Tech spec's don't mean a lot much in the end related to that... TV is a TV. =P The only thing I suggest is try to get a good TV so don't have an issue of dead pixels, which are rather annoying.

But, if ya do want some help, here is a few articles:


http://reviews.cnet.com/720p-vs-1080p-hdtv/ (I usually don't like CNet, but this looks pretty good)

and get one with a good contrast ratio as well, i think mine is 1:50000 and the blacks look way better than other 1080p tvs with lower ratios
I've been mainly looking at Sony brand TV's. :D I'm most likely not going to get a TV bigger than 32 inches, unless theirs just a really good deal at the time. So keep that in mind too.

Thanks for the help :D
yea i found that LG, Sony, and Samsung are best in quality for LCDs
Those are pretty good, but I got to give it to Vizio as well. They make some really nice tv's for a decent price. I have a 26inch I use when I got to gaming parties for my 360 and everyone always says it has the best picture out of the bunch.
point blank, jut get a 1080p and don't even consider 720p. why be behind right out of the gate?
Honestly, the prices are getting better for 1080p's, but if you are getting a 32" or smaller, it's extra pixels that aren't needed. I'd get the 1080 if the price is right for you and stick with Sony or Samsung, but 720 will be fine for a smaller TV, and you'll probably save some money.
IMO Samsung makes the best HDTVs. I bought one 2 and a half years ago and have been extremely satisfied. I will only buy from them and highly reccommend what they have to offer.

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