I saw that "loose change" show, it was bull ****. The government is not competent enough to keep such a plot under wraps. Why the hell do people think that the government would put clues to the 9/11 in our god damn money? The Roswell landing has at least ex agents and scientists that claim they worked on alien tech, nobody has come out about the trade towers. As for that blasted jet fuel defense steel melts at 1525° C, and although jet fuel burns only at 825° C, it doesn't have to burn hot enough to melt to cause the buildings to collapse, since steel loses 50% of its strength at 648 ° C. So please, stop talking about this wretched idea, I'll talk to you about Area 51, the JFK assasination and the Chupacabra but anybody that believes this didn't get enougth oxygen at birth.