98% of the threads on this page are 10-12,436,427,274,722 pages long...

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If by "interesting" you mean "not interesting," then I'm with you. :up:
Yeah, I dont care. Close thread.
"98% of the threads on this page are 10-12,436,427,274,722 pages long...."

...and yet your thread won't make it past 1. Beautiful.
You can talk about your day in any one of the 12 lounges.
I think it is, indeed, interesting. :up:
You can talk about your day in any one of the 12 lounges.
Yeah guys. This is the place where we talk about how all the other threads have a lot of pages, and everyone ignores Spawn!:cmad: :up:
Mee loves attention.

I would like to see him try and ignore me.

For once.
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