Overly Long Threads

Mr. Sinister05

Jan 3, 2005
Reaction score
I have noticed an abundance of overly long threads on message boards. I don't respond to threads that have like over 100's of replies (not to mention tons of 1-10 word meaningless posts) to them since there can really be no discussion then. Is there anything that can be done about this?
stay out of them, I guess
Yeah, I don't reply many times on interesting threads because of that. I just read through parts and don't bother replying since it's kind of hard to get an actual discussion going or provide input for these types of threads, which I don't mind but don't like it when they're all over the place (like the X-men 3 board for instance) it's hard to find a discussion to post in.
If you have something new and unique to say, then make a new thread. If you are merely rehashing what has been talked to death, just nod your head at the screen, give a hearty "You tell 'em, buddy" and move on to the next thread.
Just post what you have to say, like I do. People generally get off topic in those long threads either way.

*This has been a Non-Mod post.

EDIT: Or you can come into the thread and ask for a quick re-cap if its some type of discussion. If its some type of spoiler thread, youre better off just respondning to the nearest post and making that youre jumping on point.
Mr. Sinister05 said:
I don't respond to threads that have like over 100's of replies.
We'll manage somehow without your witticisms.

Seriously, are you suggesting that they just start over a new abortion debate, "Is there a god?" debate, Creationism vs. Evolution vs. Theistic Evolutionism thread, photo thread, etc. every month or so. How Sisyphean it would be, and absurd as well.

If you have nothing to add to the most recent page or so, just, uh...go to a fresher thread where you won't be lost in a sea of those who've gone before you. :confused:
Holly Goodhead said:
i hate long ones.

You're referring to threads right? :o

Back to topic: (or at least topic-related)
Is there a way to quickly find your last post on a thread? Somtimes it's difficult to know where you left a conversation, especially if it grew 6+ pages...
Mr. Sinister05 said:
I have noticed an abundance of overly long threads on message boards. I don't respond to threads that have like over 100's of replies (not to mention tons of 1-10 word meaningless posts) to them since there can really be no discussion then. Is there anything that can be done about this?

It happens on this forum,you would really have no choice but to weave through the spam.Nearly every thread gets atleast one spam reply.:(
Wilhelm-Scream said:
We'll manage somehow without your witticisms.

Seriously, are you suggesting that they just start over a new abortion debate, "Is there a god?" debate, Creationism vs. Evolution vs. Theistic Evolutionism thread, photo thread, etc. every month or so. How Sisyphean it would be, and absurd as well.

If you have nothing to add to the most recent page or so, just, uh...go to a fresher thread where you won't be lost in a sea of those who've gone before you. :confused:

Y'know, perhaps it's time to start the "Ultimate Is there a god?" thread, and so forth, to allow newbies a fresh pallete to start with without being bogged down by the continuity of the original 616 "Is there a god?" thread. That way we can bring in new newbies and keep the existing one going.

We should do this with all threads with over 100 posts, with the exception of the Dew K. Mosi Question thread. That should simply restart it's numbering in the middle of the thread, starting with Post 1 Vol. 2
rogue_devlin said:
Back to topic: (or at least topic-related)
Is there a way to quickly find your last post on a thread? Somtimes it's difficult to know where you left a conversation, especially if it grew 6+ pages...

Go to the main forum page (Here).
Scroll down to the list of online users. Click on your name (it'll be the first one listed).
Then click "Find all posts by rogue_devlin".

Up will pop a screen of all your latest posts, starting with the most recent.
You can not only see what your latest posts were, but if you see this
next to the topic title, you'll know that there's been a new post since you've last checked.
To jump straight to your last post in that thread, just click on the link inside the quote part.

I LIVE by this strategy on message boards. :up:
Is this the origins of the Thread Manager? :wow:
Is this the origins of the Thread Manager? :wow:

Holy Thread Resurrection, Batman!

Is it weird that I see Thread Manager as a superhero and he pulls off his mask to reveal himself as Mr. Sinister?

Yeah, probably. :(

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