ragingdemon155 said:
Spider-man loses to everyone.
It doesn't matter.
This isn't the good ol days when Spidey would actually use his powers and be a threat to anyone cause of it.
Spider-man just got beat down by DD in the
, got pummeled around like nothing by Captain America in Cival War and this is nothing compared to what Iron Man is going to do to him soon.
Spider-man is a loser.
Batman wouldn't waste his time on this version of Spider-man. The fight would be over quickly.
[FONT="]Yep, you pretty much nailed it. It seems that Marvel has to recipes for Spider-Man:
1) Goes one-on-one with fellow hero - Spider-Man gets outclassed or gets his butt handed to him.
2) Goes against villain - gets beaten nearly to death.
I can't even recall the last time we saw Spider-Man using all of his faculties (mental and physical) to beat an opponent. Let's go through recent battles:
1) Cap is able to land 3 blows in 10 seconds against Spidey (shouldn't it be the other way around?)
2) He goes up against this Morlun character and decides to go toe-to-toe with a being he clearly cannot physically hurt. Never opting to retreat, regroup and use his brain to take down Morlun.
3) In a "training exercise" with the New Avengers, Spider-Man is the only character that is seriously hurt because Wolverine wants to put him in his place.
4) In the historic New Avengers debut issue, when villains attempt to break out of a maximum security prison, a team that is comprised of Spidey, Spider-Woman, Luke Cage, Matt Murdock (in civilian clothes), Sentry and Captain America unite to take the villains down. Spidey is the only hero that suffers an injury when Jigsaw (a villain who the Punisher has handled many times) breaks his arm.
5) In the Warrior's Storyline, Ultimate Electra knocks out Ultimate Spidey with a five hit combo that sends Spider-man sailing out the window of a multi-story window a landing on a squad car....on his head.
6) The time when a cybernetic version of the Russian (one of Punisher's rogue villains) EASILY knocks out Spider-Man. Then (I swear I'm not making this up), the Punisher uses Spider-man unconscious body as a shield while the Russian continues to pound away, until the Punisher is able to figure out how the webshooters work, webs up the Russian mouth, and pushes him off a skyscraper.
There are no other heroes out there with enhanced speed, agility and a precognitive Spider-Sense linked to their reflexes. Yet Spider-Man has endured more beatings than any other hero in recent times. Marvel, it is OK to let this guy when a few fights. Well still buy his comic[/FONT]