A very personal question


IKYN Guy Groupie
Aug 9, 2000
Reaction score
How often do you change your tooth brush? I usually go bi-monthly, but I am considering the bump up to monthly. How about you?

I understand if it is too personal to answer :csad:
Once a month or when the tips are no longer blue. :up:
Whenever I look at it, and I'm like, "Dude, I need a new toothbrush."
:whatever: Every 2-3 months. Might step it up a bit now though. :O
When theres no more bristles left.
2-3 months or till the tip wears out...usually the tip thing...sometimes I'll just go "f**k this, new brush time" and switch it though.
I usually change my toothbrush after every skank ho I bang. That way my mouth stays skank ho bacteria free with every new toothbrush. Buuut...if I bang 10 or so skank hos in one day I might have to go for the el cheapo toothbrushes bought in bulk from Sam's Club. Though those toothbrushes(brushi?) are not of the highest teethcleaning caliber, they serve their purpose in eliminating leftover skank ho tartar buildup.
I usually change my toothbrush after every skank ho I bang. That way my mouth stays skank ho bacteria free with every new toothbrush. Buuut...if I bang 10 or so skank hos in one day I might have to go for the el cheapo toothbrushes bought in bulk from Sam's Club. Though those toothbrushes(brushi?) are not of the highest teethcleaning caliber, they serve their purpose in eliminating leftover skank ho tartar buildup.

Word G, word :o
How often do you change your tooth brush? I usually go bi-monthly, but I am considering the bump up to monthly. How about you?

I understand if it is too personal to answer :csad:

Talking about tooth brushes isn't personal, as long as which brand of floss used isn't brought up. :oldrazz:

But yeah, every month or two for me.
I usually change my toothbrush after every skank ho I bang. That way my mouth stays skank ho bacteria free with every new toothbrush. Buuut...if I bang 10 or so skank hos in one day I might have to go for the el cheapo toothbrushes bought in bulk from Sam's Club. Though those toothbrushes(brushi?) are not of the highest teethcleaning caliber, they serve their purpose in eliminating leftover skank ho tartar buildup.

I'm thinking about getting the Skank-ho whitening from my dentist. It really removes that skank-ho stain!
I think I've had mine for.... eight years now. :yay:

Yes, I'm serious
My dentist recommended the new Crest Skank Ho Eliminator formula. It uses a mixture of flouride and heavy duty bleach to get those teeth back to virgin status.

Swallowing is not recommended...

but i don't tell the skank hos that. :o
I usually change my toothbrush after every skank ho I bang. That way my mouth stays skank ho bacteria free with every new toothbrush. Buuut...if I bang 10 or so skank hos in one day I might have to go for the el cheapo toothbrushes bought in bulk from Sam's Club. Though those toothbrushes(brushi?) are not of the highest teethcleaning caliber, they serve their purpose in eliminating leftover skank ho tartar buildup.

Does your wife know you've been using the same toothbrush for ten years? :p

you people change your toothbrush??!?! :wow:

i used to do it every six weeks or so...

now i wait till my toothpaste runs out and go in a buy a new brush accordingly...

i just have a regular old one

surely people who have those mechanical ones should be changing theirs every fortnight or so because they wear away like a foreskin on an old man...

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