Honestly, you're a a good track to lose weight and be in good shape, but you most likely won't look like these pics.
If you want abs like that, you will have to do more than just sit-up every day. The abdominals are one of the few muscles in the body that can be worked out every day, but you have to change the workout you do with them. Don't just do sit-ups. Do crunches, bicycle kicks, scissor kicks, etc. And combine them all into one workout that way you are targeting all the parts of the abs every day. If that is too hard at first (I don't know what kind of shape you are in right now) then do sit-ups every day and another one of those every day and specifically target only one part of your abs each day. Eventually you'll be able to find a pattern that works best for you. Eventually, when your abs get much stronger, and it takes forever to hit all parts of them every day, you can go back to just working out a couple of parts a day really hard.
As for the diet. Removing fatty foods is a must, which you have done. If you are looking to build a decent amount of muscle though, you will need protein, and a lot of it. The average healthy person should be getting about 50g of protein a day, but if you are working out this heavily you will need more. Depending on your metabolism you should get anywhere from 150-250g a day. When I trained, I had a very high metabolism and got about 300g of protein a day. You can get this in many ways, but the best would be to get some from food, and some from food supplement like protein shakes.
Also, a very important thing about eating, is that since you have cut back on unnecessary foods, make sure you are still eating several meals a day. Most people that train heavily like you are need to eat around 5 meals a day, but it's common for people to eat only once a day (thinking they are eating less so they will lose weight) which is very bad for you. Body builders and athletes eat 5 times a day, Sumos eat once a day. By eating the same amount of food you're eating now, and splitting it up into five meals, you are allowing your body to rid itself of everything it doesn't need from those meals more easily (like sugars).
If you only eat once a day, your body knows that it will be a while until the next meal, and will store all the glucose into fat. If you eat 5 times a day, your body will see this extra glucose and other stuff and decide that it doesn't need it right now, but more will be coming in a few hours anyway, so there is no reason to store it as fat. It will just get rid of the extra stuff. Also, when I say 5 meals, they don't all have to be actual food. A great "meal" is a protein shake and an energy bar between regular meals.
And most importantly, I would suggest seeing a trainer. You don't have to actually work out with them (although it would help), but a lot of trainers will just give you a consultation of what to do. I used to train with the best in Missouri, and while I learned a lot, I am not a trainer. They will know more than me, and will be able to tell you what is best for you to do. Either way, I hope all works out for you, and if you get ripped like Butler and become a famous ab model, I want 10%