Tony Stark said:
I just love folks that think this stuff is Shakespear or something. It's a fricking comic book movie. The performances from the first movie were fine, and will be fine for this movie.
I´m sorry to say, but is with things like that, that there will always be s***ty adaptations.
Because people think, it´s a comic book, so, let´s throw some crap, because as long as there is action and special effects galore, people will buy it, eat it up and ask for more.
Comic books have come a long way, but they are, once again, declaining, and things like that don´t help.
I´m sorry to be so direct, but, do you really read or like comic books?
And when i mean read, i´m not saying look at the pretty pictures, but actually understand it.
I will never understand it, when you have a book, where a young FBI trainee, going on hunting down a serial killer with the help of another brilliant former forensic psychiatrist turned cannibalistic sociopath, you have an amazing story.
But, if you give a bigger than live approach to it, you get "it´s just a comic book".
And bare in mind that, the only alterations would be to give powers or whatever to the characters, the story and serious approach would be the same.
I don´t get it?
When you read a comic book, you have thousands of stories and sagas, some bad, some great; some trivial, another with great importance.
Now, the stories that make the characters life (and that what comic books do, tell the character´s life) are not the 1000th fight between the FF and Doom, or Spider-Man and Venom, but rather the ones where something important happens, something life changing, might it be good or bad, and those stories and sagas are always serious and dramatic.
Hell, the simple title of the comic books are not 'The adventures of...', but the main characters name, which alones shows you that those books are not about the exploits of the superheroes, but rather their lives, and how having those powers affect them and the world around them.
But, no, comic books are not Shakespeare , but that doesn´t make it any less relevant.