No I don't. I am stating a fact: Our prison system focuses on punishment, not rehabilitation. Prison life is designed to make prisoners miserable, and abuse from guards or guards allowing abuse from other inmates in order to "teach a lesson" is common. Also, prisoners of all types are thrown together with no programs to direct their time other than forced labor, which results in A) Largely unchecked violence and sexual assault between inmates and B) prison essentially becoming a crime trade school, with bored and bitter prisoners teaching each other how to commit better crimes.
Other countries, like the UK and Norway, focus on rehabilitation. They have in-prison programs meant to help prisoners come to terms with the severity of their crimes and behavior, and build them up into more productive and stable members of society. Living conditions are very humane, prisoners are given things to do other than victimize each other and learn how to be better criminals, and guards are encouraged to treat the prisoners like actual human beings. And the result of that is the reoffense rates in those countries are significantly lower than ours.
So wether or not you can see it, deterrence isn't the only way to stem reoffense and there is hope. The data proves that.