Sequels After this...


Je Me Souviens
Jun 20, 2005
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Nobody is afraid...personnally i am...for what? it's simple, after spiderman 3 who really wants sequels that will not have the same cast and crew(in general) me personnally i want that the franchise finish at S-M3, a good trilogy of our superhero and thats it

But i'm afraid just afraid that it will ends like Batman Franchise...and i don't want that! i really loved spidey movie and don't that this franchise becomes s****! What do you think!?! are you not afraid!?!?
if the cast quit sure it will b rubbish but me personally wudnt give a damn how much i got paid etc.. cause i wud b spider-man or ne1 else
It doesn't have to end at 3 & they don't have to recast; they just have to give everybody a good enough reason to come back.
They already have reason to come back. They would be absolutely foolish not to. They're part of one of the highest grossing action trilogies ever and the highest grossing comic book trilogy. Not only that, but they're becoming insanely famous and rich off of it. What "bigger and better things" could they possibly go on to?
Spider-Man 1-3 should be the end of the Spider-Man series, and then simply make "Marvel" movies. Movies where Spider-Man and the Fantastic Four take on a villain. Or Spider-Man and the X-Men. Or have like secret Wars or anything like that.
ChineseFooD said:
Spider-Man 1-3 should be the end of the Spider-Man series, and then simply make "Marvel" movies. Movies where Spider-Man and the Fantastic Four take on a villain. Or Spider-Man and the X-Men. Or have like secret Wars or anything like that.
For the 9 millionth time, that's not going to happen. And quite frankly it shouldn't. The movie franchises need to stand alone, & not be merged into some homogenized fanboy dream that'll be nothing but an over-budget, overcrowded, convoluted mess.:down
exactly, it aint gonna happen, keep making Spiderman movies.
Dcknight said:
But i'm afraid just afraid that it will ends like Batman Franchise

yea but look at batman begins. even though its the fifth, it became very popular and was rather well done. all i'm saying is, regardless of how much you do or don't like the spidey films, there will always be room for improvement, so why not give it a shot?
Here's my quick take... if you can bring back Tobey and most of the guys at the bugle, etc... the story can pick up right where it leaves off... but if they really have to go with an entirely new cast... you have to be worried it can turn into another Batman... it would just be a bunch of big names thrown into the fire in SM4... nobody wants that... if Raimi and Tobey decide to move on... the franchise should take a 4/5 year hiatus and start fresh... recast everyone and sign them to two/three movie deals and continue 4-6... If Raimi and Tobey stay put... there should not be much of a drop off despite whoever replaces MJ and the others....
BHD said:
yea but look at batman begins. even though its the fifth, it became very popular and was rather well done. all i'm saying is, regardless of how much you do or don't like the spidey films, there will always be room for improvement, so why not give it a shot?
"Batman Begins" is the fifth film & at the same time it isn't; but the reason why thay had to scrap the previous series wasn't b/c they took it too far, but b/c they took it in the wrong direction. Same w/Spidey; as long as they don't do anything stupid, there's no reason why it can't continue.:spidey:
Personaly i'd be quite happy with just three movies, as long gave No 3 a good ending.
I see no reason AT ALL to stop at 3. Spidey has decades worth of stories, many many villains and secondary characters that can still be used.

if they get some talented people who have passion for the material behind the cameras, I'd be all for a recast.
Number three should NOT be the last film.

They should make one solid story arc. I don't care if it's 3, 4, 10, whatever. Why is a trillogy so cool? Cause of the name, trillogy?

I think that as long as the same cast/crew is involved, the stories are good, fresh, and true to the source material, make as many as you can.

Then, in a few years, about 20....make some more, doing a different Time in Peter's career as Spider-man, with other villains.

Actors and directors don't generally want to make an entire carreer out of one franchise. I'd be very surprised if Kirsten, Toby or Rami returned for a 4th film. With that in mind, I don't want more than a Trilogy. The Batman franchise recast often, but they could do that because they never fully developed Bruce Wayne as a character. Now BB doesn't count because it isn't a continuation of the franchise, but rather a reboot.
I think they should be similar to the james bond films, the francise was not ruoned through differnt actors, and thye can get alot of villians in. they may not be as good as the first three, but they can still be good
Yeah but just wait until Spider-Man 10!? Who will they have then? Stegron and The Spot :(
I thought I remember some where that it would be 6. This was after SM2 was released. I'm sure there will be some changes, hopefully gradually and not so drastic it will jar my senses. But if Raimi corresponds with the director that was taking over I could see it remaining strong for 3 more. It would have to be a collaboration, to maintain some sort of continuity.
Quentin Beck said:
Yeah but just wait until Spider-Man 10!? Who will they have then? Stegron and The Spot :(

if they're smart enough not to kill every single villain, they won't have to. unfortunately, that ship has sailed... :(
Really? We don't know for sure Ock is dead, & the Goblin is replaceable.
well, if Ock can breathe underwater then I guess he could be alive... and Goblin's replaceable 2 times, tops (GG2 and HG). one of which they're already using.
i was thinking about how doc ock could be alive, actually.

the tentacles have A.I. right? and due to the destruction of the ihibitor chip, then they can think for themselves. One of the tentacles gets wise under-water, pulls doc ock to shore once he falls to the floor of the river, and revives him. That is, of course, assuming that doc ock isnt underwater for over 10 minutes and has brain damage.

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