From BOF:-
Couple that with the news of SM's appearance in the sides yesterday, and it looks like Maroni MAY have been cast.
BTW, the Fergie and Gandolfini rumours are just that as well...
We've already had an english Falcone, so why not an australian Maroni? t:
To be fair, some like Gandolfini or anyone from the Sopranos would be VERY cliche. Better to get someone else, no?
A few things today. An Aussie scooper informed BOF that Alan Dale’s role is a small one and is that of a villain...
Couple that with the news of SM's appearance in the sides yesterday, and it looks like Maroni MAY have been cast.
BTW, the Fergie and Gandolfini rumours are just that as well...
We've already had an english Falcone, so why not an australian Maroni? t:
To be fair, some like Gandolfini or anyone from the Sopranos would be VERY cliche. Better to get someone else, no?