Alice Krige as.....?


....I need a horse!
Jan 18, 2012
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Well, she is been confirmed for a role. Villain I believe.

and According to her, she will be "unrecognizable"

So, who do you guys think she will play? Hela maybe?

I wonder if she will be the daughter of Loki
She said she'd be unrecognizable, but I don't think she said she'd be a villain, necessarily.

Hela or Karnilla, could be; but traditionally they're shown as having the usual pin-up bodies you see on comic-book women. Not sure Alice is sexy enough for that now.

I'm thinkin' more of an old crone like Volla, who comes in for a brief cameo to foretell Thor's doom, and the coming of Ragnarok. My hunch, til I see the photos.
She said she'd be unrecognizable, but I don't think she said she'd be a villain, necessarily.

Hela or Karnilla, could be; but traditionally they're shown as having the usual pin-up bodies you see on comic-book women. Not sure Alice is sexy enough for that now.

I'm thinkin' more of an old crone like Volla, who comes in for a brief cameo to foretell Thor's doom, and the coming of Ragnarok. My hunch, til I see the photos.

She's older, so I agree. But the whole unrecognizable thing, I mean, I think of Hela. We'll see
I'm just happy because it's Alice Krige and she's awesome...really, can she get more unrecognizable than her role as Borg Queen?
I suppose. I am willing to bet it will either be Hela, or Queen of the Dark Elves
I'm still hoping she will play Loki's mum.


"Stop thinking about sex Loki!"
She said she'd be unrecognizable, but I don't think she said she'd be a villain, necessarily.

Hela or Karnilla, could be; but traditionally they're shown as having the usual pin-up bodies you see on comic-book women. Not sure Alice is sexy enough for that now.

I'm thinkin' more of an old crone like Volla, who comes in for a brief cameo to foretell Thor's doom, and the coming of Ragnarok. My hunch, til I see the photos.

I thought Volla, too.
This quote and reply originally were posted in "Re: Kat Dennings as Darcy Lewis".

I think I was wrong about that alison actress, she is the dark elves queen maybe.

Alice Krige?

BTW, when everyone was talking about Thanos in the "spoilers" thread, it crossed my mind that another potential casting for Krige would be as Death.

(I will attempt to cross-post this in your Alice Krige thread. . .)
This quote and reply originally were posted in "Re: Kat Dennings as Darcy Lewis".

Alice Krige?

BTW, when everyone was talking about Thanos in the "spoilers" thread, it crossed my mind that another potential casting for Krige would be as Death.

(I will attempt to cross-post this in your Alice Krige thread. . .)

Not a bad call, either.

You know, looking at some of the masked actors in the battle scenes at Bourne Wood, I can't help but wonder now if Alice Krige might be hiding behind one of those masks. Probably not. But....maybe.
Not a bad call, either.

You know, looking at some of the masked actors in the battle scenes at Bourne Wood, I can't help but wonder now if Alice Krige might be hiding behind one of those masks. Probably not. But....maybe.

So many people there! I didn't spot any candidates. But maybe someone else will.

Yet another interpretation for "Thursday Mourning"!
Could it be that Alice is one of the Marauder's leaders? From the set pics we know it is a very heterogenous looking group and she stated she would be wearing a mask and won't be recognizable.
Could it be that Alice is one of the Marauder's leaders? From the set pics we know it is a very heterogenous looking group and she stated she would be wearing a mask and won't be recognizable.

That could be! Looking forward to finding out!
I am not too sure. I am sort of inclined to believe that she will probably be like a dark elf queen
It seems like they should have named her character by now if she were the Elf Queen, the other guesses I could see them keeping her under wraps to surprise people in the theater. The only reason I can think they may not have is if her appearance is meant to be a big surprise to the audience. I am also wondering if she might simply appear in the end scene, to lead into Avengers 2.

On the part of the synopsis for the film, where it says "shadowy enemy that predates the universe itself", out of curiosity are there any female characters that might fit that description?
It seems like they should have named her character by now if she were the Elf Queen, the other guesses I could see them keeping her under wraps to surprise people in the theater. The only reason I can think they may not have is if her appearance is meant to be a big surprise to the audience. I am also wondering if she might simply appear in the end scene, to lead into Avengers 2.

On the part of the synopsis for the film, where it says "shadowy enemy that predates the universe itself", out of curiosity are there any female characters that might fit that description?
Could be Death.
It seems like they should have named her character by now if she were the Elf Queen, the other guesses I could see them keeping her under wraps to surprise people in the theater. The only reason I can think they may not have is if her appearance is meant to be a big surprise to the audience. I am also wondering if she might simply appear in the end scene, to lead into Avengers 2.

On the part of the synopsis for the film, where it says "shadowy enemy that predates the universe itself", out of curiosity are there any female characters that might fit that description?

Lady Death? And of course she could be Surtur.....^^°
Could be Death.

I wondered about that, yes. That would also make sense with the bit about "Faced with an enemy that even Odin and Asgard cannot withstand" and of course the previous rumors that someone, possibly Odin, may die.
That'd definitely make Thanos a happy Titan.
I just wonder how (and if, of course) the MCU would handle a personified Death, especially one as bizarre as Starlin presented us.
That'd definitely make Thanos a happy Titan.

Well, they introduced Thanos in the Avengers. They might as well introduce Death and save her for future appearances as well, especially connected with a Thanos centered plot.
Well, they introduced Thanos in the Avengers. They might as well introduce Death and save her for future appearances as well, especially connected with a Thanos centered plot.

Exactly what I was thinking, yes. They are trying to tie in the films together, it is likely that something happens in Thor 2 that has an impact on Avengers 2.
I wondered about that, yes. That would also make sense with the bit about "Faced with an enemy that even Odin and Asgard cannot withstand" and of course the previous rumors that someone, possibly Odin, may die.

Possibly. But if she is in it, she is not the "shadowy figure".

This is a thor movie guys. I pray to god the plot stays to thor.

Well, they introduced Thanos in the Avengers. They might as well introduce Death and save her for future appearances as well, especially connected with a Thanos centered plot.

Again, if lady death appears, let it be in Guardians in my opinion.

Exactly what I was thinking, yes. They are trying to tie in the films together, it is likely that something happens in Thor 2 that has an impact on Avengers 2.

I really don't want more avengers related stuff to be in Thor: The Dark World. Let's keep it strictly Thor related stuff guys. If Thanos appears, okay, I understand, but Lady Death....and Lady Death as THE villain for the movie? Too Much.

Give me Surtur, Malekith, and Kurse for this movie. Keep it Thor-ish.

Death can appear but doesn't need to apply to the synopsis.

Shadowy figure and enemy that Asgard cannot stand are maybe not the same. Could be the shadowy figure that predates the Universe, but like you I don't think so keep it a Thor movie.
I seem to remember her being quoted as having a "small" role in the movie, so no I dont think she'll be THE villian (as Death or whoever she is), or at least she certainly wont be shown any more than the Other and Thanos were in Avengers. It seems pretty obvious that Malekith and Kurse are THE villians, just as Loki is the main villain in Avengers 1, and yet Thanos and the Other were involved, and the Chitauri appeared at the end. But Loki carried the majority of the villain role in the movie (in screen time anyway), and I think Malekith and Kurse will do the same in Thor 2.

Hey, it's not up to us what they do. Wish it was. I'm just trying to figure out how it all may fit in, in the bigger picture. Because it's the nature of the beast that Marvel has created here. They are going to want to keep tying things in between the franchises and keep the Avengers links going with the audience in the solo films. Just as they tied them together initially using Coulson, but they dont have Coulson anymore so they will likely be looking for other ways to do that. They dont have to beat people over the head with it by having huge battles between the same villains and heroes, and then again in Avengers. That would be tedious, I think. but building up to a big battle in Avengers, by using such characters and elements subtly, that I can definitely see happening.
she will probably just have something to do with the dark elves

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