CHAOS WAR is a mini coming up next month that is the finale to the Greg Pak/Fred Van Lente run on Hercules material. It is the climax to 3 years of INCREDIBLE HERCULES as well as the last half year of HERCULES: FALL OF AN AVENGER and PRINCE OF POWER. It is about the death god Mikaboshi becoming the "Chaos King" and threatening all reality, which sparks Herc to assemble a new "God Squad" to take him out (much as Herc and another God Squad took out the Skrull gods during Secret Invasion). The gist is that apparently the warping of reality may cause some dead characters to revive.
Hence, we are getting a lot of spin off material with teases for that. There is a DEAD AVENGERS series (written by Van Lente) that has a team of dead Avengers, including ones dead for decades like Mar-Vell or Swordsman, returning due to it. There'll be an ALPHA FLIGHT one shot teasing the return of the Flighters who Collective killed (which was damn near all of 'em but Sasquatch). The X-Men usually have a token mini in every major Marvel event, so I am assuming this'll be it.
I have no illusions about EVERY character that is teased with returning due to CHAOS WAR actually being back. Marvel has choked several times lately about reviving or replacing Mar-Vell, especially with them wanting to have Ms. Marvel branch off and be more well known (which she probably is by now). I have no expectations of the original Thunderbird, who has been dead longer than many of us have been alive, was created just to die, and has had two replacements take his name, would be back. But Banshee? I'd say his odds are 1:2.
I do agree his death was worthless in DEADLY GENESIS, one of Brubaker's biggest blunders. I'd certainly like to see him back.