Comics All star Superman


May 12, 2005
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How do you all feel about the level of strength that all star superman has lift 200 quintillion tons and arm weastle a god and a near god at once?
I don't mind. If it were in the regular DCU I wouldn't have liked it, but for this elseworld silver agey type of story with a lot of crazyness it fits right in.
Well, he was supercharged by being in the f**king at least they explained's not like he was normally doing these things beforehand in it, supes has as much as said that :o
Then again, they only said that his strength had been increased by a afactor of three. Meaning he could still lift one quintillion tons beforehand.

Anyway, I don't like it that much. It's so campy and cheesy. I mean, don't get me wrong. I loves me some cheese every now and then. But good God man, there's a difference between something being a little cheesy for fun, and it floating in a sea of cheeze whiz.
The Question said:
Then again, they only said that his strength had been increased by a afactor of three. Meaning he could still lift one quintillion tons beforehand.

They did? I don't remember that. I do remember the whacky scientist guy saying that they still haven't found the upper limit of his strength.
They said he was at least three times stronger than before. Meaning before, he was capable of lifting at least one quintillion tons.
My main problem is just how bloody cheesy it is. It's like, Grant Morrison took everything I hate about the Silver Age and made a book out of it. I mean, Lois' absolute refusal to accept that Clark is Superman, even when the proof is put right in front of her face, I mean GOD! Is she really that stupid? I know that we seee what we wan't to see, but there's a difference between being in denyal and being an idiot.
Hmm, I'm enjoying it. I wouldn't want it as a continuted story, but I really do enjoy whats going on so far. I love the art most though probably, It looks really beautiful.
I thinks it's fun, but fun in the same way AS B&R is fun. ***in ridiculous and dumb and cheesy...yet i see everyone ragging on Batman and no-one ragging on Supes.
The Question said:
My main problem is just how bloody cheesy it is. It's like, Grant Morrison took everything I hate about the Silver Age and made a book out of it. I mean, Lois' absolute refusal to accept that Clark is Superman, even when the proof is put right in front of her face, I mean GOD! Is she really that stupid? I know that we seee what we wan't to see, but there's a difference between being in denyal and being an idiot.

It's just as dumb as her not knowing Clark was Superman beforehand.

It's clear she thinks they are 2 separate, coincidentally very similar looking men - she's obviously believed that for years.
I can understand her not figuring it out before. People see what they want to see. Plus, he's thrown her off the trail enough times for her to doubt it. But for the proof to be put right in front of her face like that and her to still deny it, that's just stupid.
tonyman1989 said:
How do you all feel about the level of strength that all star superman has lift 200 quintillion tons and arm weastle a god and a near god at once?

i don't like it.
I like the comic, and the art is growing on me.
No. 100 quintillion normally, 300 after.
No. 100 quintillion normally, 300 after.

how did you get that number
They basically made up for his god awful strength with good story.
tonyman1989 said:
how did you get that number

They said that he was lifting 300 quintillion tons, and he was three times as strong as before.

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