World Am I missing any Superman concept suit pics?


Jul 9, 2004
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I'm collecting images of the Superman suits from movies that were never made. So far I have:








I think thats it? Am I missing any? Pls post if I dont have it so I can add to my collection of pics. Thx!
there was one of a blue and black suit from the Burton era, but I wouldn't know where to find it... he really looked like a vampire in it.
there was one of a blue and black suit from the Burton era, but I wouldn't know where to find it... he really looked like a vampire in it.

He look more like Edward Scissorhands with the white skins & crazy hair. Of course it no surprise since Burton did Scissorhands. :funny: :funny:
I just want to see the PHOTOS of Nicolas Cage in his proper blue and red Superman costume.
Does anyone know which suit concept belongs to Brett Ratner's time on the project?
I just want to see the PHOTOS of Nicolas Cage in his proper blue and red Superman costume.

I would love to see those photos as well. Of course the real prize would be seeing Cage's actual screen test as Superman, in the suit. Sadly, I don't think either of those will ever see the light of day (but then again, you never know...)

There was a description of Cage in the suit, in the book "Superman vs. Hollywood":

On a day in April 1998, Nicolas Cage was fitted for a sculpted rubber Superman costume. A black wig, trademark spit curl in place, hid his receding hairline. "He looked like Nicholas Cage dressed up like a cross between Edward Scissorhands and Superman," described a source close to the production, one of the few people to have caught a glimpse of the embargoed screen tests. "He had jet-black stringy hair, like Burton's, and a shiny black body suit. No cape. Silver 'S.' It was ugly beyond belief. A human nightmare."
On a day in April 1998, Nicolas Cage was fitted for a sculpted rubber Superman costume. A black wig, trademark spit curl in place, hid his receding hairline. "He looked like Nicholas Cage dressed up like a cross between Edward Scissorhands and Superman," described a source close to the production, one of the few people to have caught a glimpse of the embargoed screen tests. "He had jet-black stringy hair, like Burton's, and a shiny black body suit. No cape. Silver 'S.' It was ugly beyond belief. A human nightmare."
That one was the Kryptonian healing suit of the movie, basically this one without the cape.

That was the costume for the second half of the movie. In the beginning he would have sported a more classic blue and red suit.

I think these three designs are looking really awesome. At least way better than the crappy diving-suit from Superman Returns. I'm also really fired up to finally see the WETA designs of the Superman costume for the Justice League movie...
All this stuff and more is still laying around in WB's 'graveyard'....

Louise Mingenbach
Costume designer
Los Angeles, California
Mingenbach, 42, has been a regular on Singer films since 1995. While previous Superman pictures had about a year for preproduction, with Superman Returns, Mingenbach got two and a half months.

"Sometimes that need to put your stamp on something is a recipe for disaster. In earlier scripts, people had gone too far to be different. It's an ego thing. Warner Bros. has a big prep house where they do all the early work for big movies that began with Batman 20 years ago. There are a lot of skeletons and bones lying around that graveyard. In the Tim Burton version of Superman [never made], the theory was that, instead of blue tights, he'd paint his skin blue. The character was in a suit,and blood was pumped through these exterior veins. Don't even ask. It was crazy.

From Issue 107 | July 2006

Wonder if there's anything there for Wolfgang Petersen's Batman vs Superman?:word: I've never seen any designs from that movie...ever.
Here are some of the suff comic book artist Liam Sharp produced for Superman Lives. I think these are new....

Superman is Iron Man? WTF?:huh:




The Superman pics here were for the Tim Burton movie that never got made. Nick cage was going to be Superman, and he was to be powerless, hence the suits. The idea was that the suits could replicate his former powers. I came up with the idea that they should be covered in alien symbols to heighten the fact that he was, in fact, not human.
Good fun, but who knows if the movie would have flown...

I suspect a lot of die hard Superman fans would have hated it!

I must confess I find anything to do with Superman Lives! fascinating.
Here are some of the suff comic book artist Liam Sharp produced for Superman Lives. I think these are new....

Superman is Iron Man? WTF?:huh:





See? Seeing those made me glad Singer did SR. And at least he made Superman look like Superman with the costume & look instead of trying to look like those pics you post. Granted SR wasn't perfect & the costume could've been better, but it could've been worse. At least not like those weird design there. :wow:
See? Seeing those made me glad Singer did SR. And at least he made Superman look like Superman with the costume & look instead of trying to look like those pics you post. Granted SR wasn't perfect & the costume could've been better, but it could've been worse. At least not like those weird design there. :wow:

But this is exactly what happened in the comics. Remember in the Return of Superman when he wears a Kryptonian battle suit to walk across the seabed to Metropolis? Superman lost his powers when he was revived and needed an armoured suit. And that's what Superman Lives! was based on.

I must confess I find anything to do with Superman Lives! fascinating.

dude I'm the exact same way. I read the Kevin Smith script and thought that, considering the 3 guidelines he was given (can't fly, can't wear the suit, has to fight giant spider) that he did the best job anyone could've done. I can't get enough of what coulda been. I probrolly wouldn't have been GREAT but it's nice to see what Ideas were beeing tossed around.
...Is that like Superman/Casey merged together :huh:

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