And of course, no underwear!


Jun 18, 2003
Reaction score

Alright Mirko, put your pants back on.
this either a spam or a complaint about those ads up on top?
What is that, an add on SHH?

I am still trying to figure out the logo....
Morg said:
this either a spam or a complaint about those ads up on top?

Could go either way with Kypade...
I don't want the British trying to talk to me with their pants off. Especially not for 12 bucks an hour.

That's all.
I have seen a pretty bad one recently...almost as bad as that girl standing topless in front of the guy with the camera....
use a blocker kypade
Morg said:
use a blocker kypade

Should we (the administration of the site) be advising users to block the ads that pay for it? :confused:

Also, I don't know if the Hype! should be advertising 'adult' sites. This is probably something Mirko should be made aware of... as he may not realize it's happening.

And kypade, when you're trying to make a complaint or bring something to our attention, you should maybe try not to do it in kypadese... not all of the site's administration understand it. :(
I'm me!.....I dip around, but I don't concentrate on any particular forum (save SM3).

Or you might just know me by the bouncing boob animation of the girl anime in a red halter top....
Daisy said:
Should we (the administration of the site) be advising users to block the ads that pay for it? :confused:

Also, I don't know if the Hype! should be advertising 'adult' sites. This is probably something Mirko should be made aware of... as he may not realize it's happening.

Hmm touchee....but I have been noticing more frequent "adult" advertising sites being used.....pretty well not work friendly....
Can someone make this 100x100 so I can use it for my avatar:



And Daisy, I'll keep that in mind. But I thought the .jpg was enough to get it across. It's not an mp3, after all.
POWdER-man said:
I'm me!.....I dip around, but I don't concentrate on any particular forum (save SM3).

Or you might just know me by the bouncing boob animation of the girl anime in a red halter top....
Nah, I recognize the name somewhat, just wasn't sure how much I should know of you. Did you use to have something to do with toast around your posts?
I think I might have helped you in the Hype asked me some questions on Lost...(it was you or Kipobe)

Or it could be we talked briefly on Drakon's site, that he had up for that 10 minutes....

Otherwise I am pretty quiet around here.....
Daisy said:
Should we (the administration of the site) be advising users to block the ads that pay for it? :confused:

Also, I don't know if the Hype! should be advertising 'adult' sites. This is probably something Mirko should be made aware of... as he may not realize it's happening.

And kypade, when you're trying to make a complaint or bring something to our attention, you should maybe try not to do it in kypadese... not all of the site's administration understand it. :(

well sometimes those banners do have spyware in them, I remember being infected a few times :( :mad:
Umm...I don't think you get spyware just simply from a display can get them from visiting a site, or downloading something...but I am pretty sure you can't just by an ad being up....
the ads here put a gun to your head and force you to visit their sites.
POWdER-man said:
Umm...I don't think you get spyware just simply from a display can get them from visiting a site, or downloading something...but I am pretty sure you can't just by an ad being up....

It happen, Mirko had to remove a ad due to spyware, more then once
Daisy said:
Should we (the administration of the site) be advising users to block the ads that pay for it? :confused:
Agreed, I don't block the ads even when they're annoying since that's how the site keeps running.
Also, I don't know if the Hype! should be advertising 'adult' sites. This is probably something Mirko should be made aware of... as he may not realize it's happening.(
Yeah, seems odd considering the new Prude Law we've got.
It states, in no uncertain terms, that we are not allowed to like it when the beat goes da na da na, make our booties go da na da na, or show our da na da na

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