

Apr 3, 2006
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Show your love here. I loved this show....I was really sad when it was cancelled, as season five was probably my favourite. Despite my cynisim about Spike joining the cast, his brotherly relationship with Angel was wonderful , and the Illyria/Wesley relationship was strangely poignant and interesting, probably the most complex.
I didn't start watching until the last season. What I saw I liked. I think it was mostly in syndication that I caught. I do miss it as well.
Was my favorite show on TV. Now WB is paying for cancelling it.
IT started out ok and then it got old. It got pretty interesting though when they went big business, global conspiracy style. Plus, I think Spike worked a lot better on Angel then Buffy. I liked the dynamic of that demon that possessed Fred andtried to learn how to be a human.
It was a great show that proved how much more different from Buffy it was.

I loved how much darker, serious, and more complex it was with the characters and overall theme of Angel. Every character was very different provided a certain unique ability that has yet to be duplicated.

My favorite character was Wesley. I really enjoyed his evolution from the wimpy/stuck-up/weak Watcher to a very dark brooding strong human being.

It's a shame the show ended the way it did; hopefully Joss decides to make a movie of Angel and possibly show their final apocalyptic battle.
LastSunrise1981 said:
It was a great show that proved how much more different from Buffy it was.

I loved how much darker, serious, and more complex it was with the characters and overall theme of Angel. Every character was very different provided a certain unique ability that has yet to be duplicated.

My favorite character was Wesley. I really enjoyed his evolution from the wimpy/stuck-up/weak Watcher to a very dark brooding strong human being.

It's a shame the show ended the way it did; hopefully Joss decides to make a movie of Angel and possibly show their final apocalyptic battle.

i agree man only thing that was cryptically appealing about Wes was that he always seems to fail or be the screw up even though he ended up becoming a badass like when he kept Justine locked up for 3 months he still just ended up never being able to catch a break all the way till his end but my fav character had to be Spike i didnt get into Buffy or Angel untill 03 when Buffy ended and it came on twice everyday on F/X and Spike was just always the character that appealed to me his swagger and attitude are just great
Eklypze said:

i agree man only thing that was cryptically appealing about Wes was that he always seems to fail or be the screw up even though he ended up becoming a badass like when he kept Justine locked up for 3 months he still just ended up never being able to catch a break all the way till his end but my fav character had to be Spike i didnt get into Buffy or Angel untill 03 when Buffy ended and it came on twice everyday on F/X and Spike was just always the character that appealed to me his swagger and attitude are just great

Spike was another character that I enjoyed. His swagger, attitude, and his way of never backing down from a fight always made me like him.

Especially when his character got a soul and he became a lot more interesting then too.

Wesley and Spike are my two favorite characters.


I don't know why the ratings fell so short on Season 5 with Wolfram & Heart.
Ok, so it wasn't the classic Angel fighting crime on the streets that we were used to, but I think that it was by far the most interesting season.

F*** You to all of the people who let Angel get cancelled.
Angel was my favorite show on The WB, too.


BTW, Angel was my favorite.


Angelus was badass, though.

The WB was stupid to cancel it, I remember the network droped Angel for another vampire series that never got off the ground to begin with.

Pathetic. :down
Angelus7181 said:
The WB was stupid to cancel it, I remember the network droped Angel for another vampire series that never got off the ground to begin with.

Pathetic. :down

I hate them for that :down That was just unforgiveable
LastSunrise1981 said:
Spike was another character that I enjoyed. His swagger, attitude, and his way of never backing down from a fight always made me like him.

Especially when his character got a soul and he became a lot more interesting then too.

What I always liked about Spike was that, after he got his soul back, there was practically no change at all. He was depressed and crazy for a few weeks, but alot of that came from the First messing with his head. Eventually, it was back to buisness and he was his old self. To me at least, it showed that he was much more human as a vampire than Angel, and was an overall better person. Also supported my theory that the fact that Angel's personality did such a 180 when he lost his soul is because he's got severe psychological issues and borderline multiple personality disorder, and losing his soul is simply what sets his Angelus side off. Would have been interesting, had the show continued, to have Angel's problems grow even worse, and have his Angelus side start to come to the surface when he had his soul. They had a few moments like that in season two, but they could have done a bit more, I think.
Just to add more fuel to the anti-WB fire, I believe Angel was second in ratings only to Smallville during that season.
and Gilmore Girls.

WB sucks.

It would be so cool if Angel returned like Family Guy did.
I like the show. But the theme song with the violins, I love. It brings me in everytime.
SapphirePrima said:
I like the show. But the theme song with the violins, I love. It brings me in everytime.

I used to blast my TV everytime the opening came on.
Definitely on of the best Tv Opening themes of all-time.
SapphirePrima said:
I like the show. But the theme song with the violins, I love. It brings me in everytime.

:up: :up: :up:

I loved this show, much better than Buffy ever was. The cancellation of this annoys me just as much as Futurama's.

Loved Wesley the character. The best episode IMO, was the one were Angel became human, and got it on with Buffy, then just to sacrifice it all for her and be the only one that remembers. The best episode of any show I've seen.
I remember participating in a petition for Angel to remain on the air. As you can see our efforts didn't succeed, but we gave them hell for dropping an excellent show.

David Boreanaz said the only way he'd return is if Joss decided to make it into a movie for the theaters.

Marsters said that Angel is dead and gone forever, thanks to the WB of course. :( :down

I remember Marsters admitting how hurt, surprised, and disgusted he was when he found out Angel was dropped from television. He said he wanted to continue working and that Joss had great ideas for future episodes, now we'll never know what could've been.

Thanks WB. :up: :mad:
^ Loved that line. As if anyone wouldnt be scared enough of just him, now he's got a shotgun.
I didnt start watching the show until AFTER it was cancelled.. I started watching it on TnT. I like david boreanaz even though ALOT of people dont.
Rimmer, that was one of my favourites too. With Spike, people think he was so noble and great, and to an extent, that's true...but he has always kinda looked after Spike first. Even when he was 'domesticated' and went to get back his soul, he did it because he wanted to be with Buffy, not because he genuinely wanted it back. But Angel would sacrafice anything for the greater good (even the shan-shu prophecy), no matter how much it hurt him. He is all about attonement, and wanting to make up for his past.

I love so many epsiodes, and I really enjoyed the Plylean trilogy at the end of season two with Joss Whedon as Numphar, who does the dance of joy :D

But the dynamic between Spike and Angel in season 5 was was like a brotherly bond. There was some annimosity there, but also a lot of love...well hidden love, but it was there nonetheless (the epsiode 'Girl in Question was hillarious....too bad I always saw Buffy as a bit of a **** who both men deserved better than ).

Wesley was one of my favourites too, and Illyria....I felt so bad for Wes. Things went terrible for him. Betrayed by his friends, and when he finally gets his dream girl....well, yeah. Illyria was a fantastic character, with a fantastic performance from Acker that was so different from Fred (I like the episode where she turns into Fred and Wesley is mortified). I truly believe as she became more human, she developed feelings for Wesley, as he did her. In fact I recall Joss or someone saying in Season 6, Fred would have come back and Wesley would have had to choose, despite the fact he had grown feelings for Illyria. I think that would have been interesting.

Also was I the one who was really choked up by Wes/Illyria's final scene?
:( One of the most moving moments I have ever seen in any medium.

I also like how they introduced Hamilton as kinda a metaphore for the WB Network excs :up:

Holtz was one of my favourite villains, because he wasn't a 'villain' per say. He did bad things, but his reasons were actually quite justified, even if he did take it too far at times.

Also you guys, a poll; who takes it, astronaughts or cavemen?

As for why this show was one of my favourites of all time (and of all Joss' shows) need I say more than...SMILE TIME????
Horrorfan said:
Rimmer, that was one of my favourites too. With Spike, people think he was so noble and great, and to an extent, that's true...but he has always kinda looked after Spike first. Even when he was 'domesticated' and went to get back his soul, he did it because he wanted to be with Buffy, not because he genuinely wanted it back. But Angel would sacrafice anything for the greater good (even the shan-shu prophecy), no matter how much it hurt him. He is all about attonement, and wanting to make up for his past.

Oh, very true. It's just, Angel had redemption forced upon him. Even though his reasons were selfish, Spike sought it out. He fought for it. And even before then, he was never as bad as Angelus was. So, that's kind of why I think Spike is, inherently, a better person than Angel. Or, at least, a less crazy one.

Horrorfan said:
I love so many epsiodes, and I really enjoyed the Plylean trilogy at the end of season two with Joss Whedon as Numphar, who does the dance of joy :D

Joss preformed the greatest dance of joy I ever did see. :D

Horrorfan said:
But the dynamic between Spike and Angel in season 5 was was like a brotherly bond. There was some annimosity there, but also a lot of love...well hidden love, but it was there nonetheless (the epsiode 'Girl in Question was hillarious....too bad I always saw Buffy as a bit of a **** who both men deserved better than ).

Yeah, I can see the brotherly aspect there. But I don't think there was as much love as you say. Way I see it, Spike sees Angel as a heartless sociopath playing pretend that he's a hero, and Angel sees Spike as a selfish thug who brings way too much trouble along with him whereever he goes.

Horrorfan said:
Wesley was one of my favourites too, and Illyria....I felt so bad for Wes. Things went terrible for him. Betrayed by his friends, and when he finally gets his dream girl....well, yeah. Illyria was a fantastic character, with a fantastic performance from Acker that was so different from Fred (I like the episode where she turns into Fred and Wesley is mortified). I truly believe as she became more human, she developed feelings for Wesley, as he did her. In fact I recall Joss or someone saying in Season 6, Fred would have come back and Wesley would have had to choose, despite the fact he had grown feelings for Illyria. I think that would have been interesting.

Yeah. I remember that. Willow was going to show up, find that there was still some Fred left in Illyria, and do her magic to bring her to the surface, causing a Jekyl and Hyde type of deal.

Horrorfan said:
Also was I the one who was really choked up by Wes/Illyria's final scene?
:( One of the most moving moments I have ever seen in any medium.

Hell yeah.

Horrorfan said:
I also like how they introduced Hamilton as kinda a metaphore for the WB Network excs :up:

You know, I never saw it that way before. Although, Hamilton would have been WB and Fox, since ANgel was a Fox owned show that was just shown on the WB.

Horrorfan said:
Holtz was one of my favourite villains, because he wasn't a 'villain' per say. He did bad things, but his reasons were actually quite justified, even if he did take it too far at times.

I had an idea for a season six story where Holtz is resurected as a demon hunting superhuman, and ends up killing himself (again) because he's become the kind of monster he's always hated.

Horrorfan said:
Also you guys, a poll; who takes it, astronaughts or cavemen?

It depends entirely on the Astronaught's skill sets.

Horrorfan said:
As for why this show was one of my favourites of all time (and of all Joss' shows) need I say more than...SMILE TIME????

Angel: .....Spike.....

Spike:'re a wee little puppet man!


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