So where do you try the line? Fully automatic, .50 Cals, where? I mean if a Assault Rifle is better than a hand gun for home/close quarters protection, than why not an Uzi? Just spray that bad guy down!!!
By the why, best gun for home protection is a small to mid caliber hand gun. Something that is light and you can shoot accurately quickly. What's quicker something I have to raise, shoulder, sight and shoot. Or, something I raise, sight and shoot. Finally if it takes me more than 2-3 shots to stop whatever it is that I am protecting myself against, I am most likely dead.
The best home protection in most cases may be small to mid caliber. But not every break in is one bumbling high school student with a bad childhood. It's funny you say that now. But maybe one day you'll have an armed robbery on your own hands with real professionals, and there will be more of them than you can handle, and you won't be praising for those high powered weapons to go away.
Because it's no less silly comparing a sling shot to a samurai sword than to compare a samurai sword to a Assault Rifle or any high capacity gun for that matter.
I don't think anybody said Mental Health Reform wasn't important, it is! But Gun Reform is too! Nobody should be talking about banning all guns, because after all this is 'MERICA!! But there is zero need for Assault Rifles or high capacity clips in the Private Sector. And just because is not a reason.
Just to make it clear, because with the "'MERICA!!" quote, it seems to imply that you think I'm some kind of *****ebag gun touting American in the most generic light. I should make it clear that I don't even own a gun myself. Nor have I ever handled one. So if you're trying to make my argument hold less merit by painting me in a bad light, please don't do that. My whole life I've been against violence and weapons. They're for self-protection, maybe hunting. But nothing else. They're not toys to me.
Not to say I never will get one for protection, but if you're trying to pawn me off as someone who's vehemently trying to defend the right to own assault rifles, semi's etc. Then you're quite wrong. That's not really my position and if those kinds of weapons were to be banned, I wouldn't be outraged all that much if at all as long as hand guns were still allowed. Although you mention semi automatic weapons, but they're practically handguns that fire off faster and more clips if I'm correct.
So I don't know why you're acting like they're some kind of different beast when they're practically the same. And assault rifles can fire off more rounds before they need reloading, right? It's not like you can spray down a room with semi-automatic.
What you've been implying is that a hand gun will save a few extra lives or so. But in that scenario that you imply where I suppose that you think the gun will get wrestled away by a hero? Well, a few extra rounds wouldn't make the difference.
It's been refutted already, but I have to highlight just how ridiculous this bit is. You can try and jump some logical hoops around it, but having a weapon like a knife or even a samurai sword carries a much, much less likely possibility of high fatality rate. I actually agree with the overall assessment that the issue is psychological at it's root, and not so much about the weapons themselves, but you really can't argue this above.
If you're unfamiliar/uneducated with samurai swords then I can see how you'd take that position.