LOL! Yea, thats pretty much what I had in mind when I made the female faces comment. OK OK yea that Emma cover is truly awful, she looks like an old man in a diaper. And his Jean's face if pretty old and bad in one panel in the first issue. But on the whole its not so bad, see silent issue. And in the comics themselves he's really imaginative with his pencils and has a real style that kicks ass.
I also didnt really appreciate his art at first when I first read New X-men, it was my first X-men comics in years. But after re-reading my trades, I started loving his pencils, especially the brilliant way he lays out and draws action scenes, and the little imaginative touches... check out the scene where Logan and Cyclops get attacked by the Sentinels, the scene in Bolivia where we first see the old Master Mold, the silent issue... all great stuff.