Any ready-for-TV African-American actors who could portray Blade?


Jun 9, 2003
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You all saw the news on the front page with David Goyer saying that Spike TV has ordered 13 episodes of Blade.

Now the question is... who in the hell could play the character at this point? :confused: It's gonna be tough to cast.
Clay Fontenat (sp?) He was Snipes stunt double in the movies.
Lobo said:
Clay Fontenat (sp?) He was Snipes stunt double in the movies.

Clay Fontenot, yeah. He has the look, but he doesn't appear to have any real acting experience. Being a stuntman alone isn't going to carry a TV series, you know? But it might at least make the moves look wicked. I dunno. Maybe he could do it.

It might have to be an unknown.

Hmmmm... perhaps Kadeem Hardison could do it? He did some physical stuff in 'Drive' and could probably act tough enough... I dunno.
How about J. August Richards? He played Gunn on Angel.
Lobo said:
How about J. August Richards? He played Gunn on Angel.

Hmmm, I could see that. He'd have a different build than we'd expect for the character, a little more lanky, but that's not a problem.
Lobo said:
How about J. August Richards? He played Gunn on Angel.

-Adept at killing vampires: Check
-Looks fairly like Blade: Check
-Pretty badass guy:Check

I could see it.
JLBats said:
-Looks fairly like Blade: Check

Yeah, if Blade were lighter in complection, half a foot taller and bald!

It can't just be any black actor who's played a badass. Plus, I doubt J. August Richards wants to play another vampire hunter after doing it for five years.

I do believe whoever they pick should have a serious martial arts background. Michael Jai White could have easily played Blade on film, and have never been that big of a movie star that he'd be too busy to do series television.

I can only assume the series will feature a younger Blade, still learning of ins and outs of hunting vampires.

I still think an animated series would have made more sense.
Michael Jai White!! Yes you are right, he would do an awesome job on the TV show.
TheStrider said:
Michael Jai White!! Yes you are right, he would do an awesome job on the TV show.

Whoa, that's a great pick. Perhaps the best I've heard yet.
KenK said:
I can only assume the series will feature a younger Blade, still learning of ins and outs of hunting vampires.
Goyer said it's going to be "different" than the films. While this could definitely go along with a younger Blade, I think it'd be better to take place after "Trinity" (which seemed like a big ol' TV pilot, in a sense, with the ending). I think it'd be Blade hunting other things than just vamps, since I think, while it's fine on film, we've already seen this character doing it three times... audiences at home would probably want something more than just the same than they've been exposed to in the films.

Personally, I just hope the show gets respect in the development process to make it worth bothering with, not something that gets cancelled because it's stupid. Whether he's fighting just vamps in a younger version, or fighting other things set after the films (this would give them a reason to not write in Whistler though) I'll watch it, as long as it's good.

But I am curious to see what'll happen since Snipes, as we've been told, is apparently still interested in doing a 4th, so... whatever... have to wait and see...
Interested? I doubt that since he is sueing Goyer for 5 million big ones.
Lea Young. He played Jett Jackson.
If only Nick Cannon wasn't the most annoying, obnoxious, jackass I'd ever seen I would suggest him.

Because physically, and based on cumulative star power he's exactly what you need.
How about D.B. Woodside a.k.a. Robin Wood from Buffy?
PyroChamber said:
How about D.B. Woodside a.k.a. Robin Wood from Buffy?

How about not someone who's already famous for playing a Vampire Hunter fighting to avenge their dead mother (or in the case of J./Gunn, their neighborhood/dead sister).
BT18 said:
How about not someone who's already famous for playing a Vampire Hunter fighting to avenge their dead mother (or in the case of J./Gunn, their neighborhood/dead sister).

Except D.B., now I think about it, with some fake wig piece, would look a lot like Blade.
JLBats said:
Except D.B., now I think about it, with some fake wig piece, would look a lot like Blade.

Not really.

His face is much rounder

His face is in some ways feminine, yet also more goofy looking than Wesley

The only real hard reminiscence is the stylized facial hair, and obviously being black. The former of which any black guy with the ability to grow facial hair can adapt.

I'm 90 perecent sure the show is about a Young Blade, how he got started. DB is no spring chicken.

It wouldn't matter if he was a 20 year old Wesley Snipes clone with the resume DB has. He's still a guy who's only fame, virtually, has come from playing a Vampire Hunter.
BT18 said:
Not really.

His face is much rounder

His face is in some ways feminine, yet also more goofy looking than Wesley

The only real hard reminiscence is the stylized facial hair, and obviously being black. The former of which any black guy with the ability to grow facial hair can adapt.

I'm 90 perecent sure the show is about a Young Blade, how he got started. DB is no spring chicken.

It wouldn't matter if he was a 20 year old Wesley Snipes clone with the resume DB has. He's still a guy who's only fame, virtually, has come from playing a Vampire Hunter.

True. But he also had a role on 24. And I just thought he'd be good for the role. Sorry.
don't be sorry bro.

Sorry you thought you had to say sorry

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