Anyone ever actually read a cosmo magazine?

Master Chief

Jul 18, 2003
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I was flipping through one earlier.. it was so funny. I think I might read it all the time. :(
I think I have while waiting for a haircut.
The questionnaires can be entertaining and educational.
Master Chief said:
I was flipping through one earlier.. it was so funny. I think I might read it all the time. :(

Yes, while waiting for a haircut.
i'll look at the pictures sometimes because occasionally they'll show glimpses of nudity, but i don't read them.
Yeah, I'm sure I've flipped through one before.
Mandy Moore has unlimited orgasms. :o
I have in several ocassions, but then again, I'll read anything put infront of me
I read them every once in a while. My best friend, who's female, subscribes to Cosmo. So if I'm over at her place and waiting for her or something, I'll pick it up and read it.
Erzengel said:
Mandy Moore has unlimited orgasms. :o
I thought I was the only one who realized how amazing that cover was.
i'd read them more but i don't care for their pro-turtleneck propaganda.

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