Sequels New Wizard Magazine


Nov 28, 2003
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Anyone read the new Wizard magazine? Did it have anything interesting regarding Spider-Man 4 or was all a buncha BS as it usually is?
Can someone post scans or at least a summary?
Oh yea I forgot about that, let me guess just rumors and speculation on Wizards right? Yup sounds about normal for Wizard :o :oldrazz:
Can we get someone who actually have the Wizard mag to confilm what's what.
I bought the Wizard Magazine earlier tonight and yes it is just rumours and speculation such as who should direct if Sam isn't directing, who should play Peter Parker/Spider-Man if Tobey doesn't return, etc.

This is what I got from the site Wizard Universe.

Your friendly neighborhood Wall-crawler won't hit theaters until May 2010, but we've got the inside scoop on Marvel's biggest movie franchise! Will Sam Raimi return to direct? Can Tobey Maguire be lured into the tights? Will the love interest be Mary Jane or Gwen Stacy? We'll get your spider-sense tingling!

I don't have the magazine, so if someone could post the interview that would be great.
I bought the Wizard Magazine earlier tonight and yes it is just rumours and speculation such as who should direct if Sam isn't directing, who should play Peter Parker/Spider-Man if Tobey doesn't return, etc.
The people at Wizard magazine make me sick. :csad:...:dry:
I bought the Wizard Magazine earlier tonight and yes it is just rumours and speculation such as who should direct if Sam isn't directing, who should play Peter Parker/Spider-Man if Tobey doesn't return, etc.

Did they mention potential candidates??
Everytime Wizard casts someone for some kind of comic book movie they always use the same people. If it was up to Wizard Kristan bell, Sarah Michelle Gellar, and Samuel L Jackson would be in every movie ever produced.
I really think it's WAY too early to give any details yet. They are pretty much doing what we are...speculating. Only we can do it for free. If Spidey 4 will come out in 2009 as promised then I wouldn't expect any kind of major news untill very early next year. However,I'm sure things are happening behind closed doors over at Sony.:cwink:
I don't want the cast and crew to return for one more film. If they filmed 4 & 5 back to back that's fine but I'd rather they go with a whole new cast at the very least, and would love to see a new director take a stab at it.
I'd like to see the old cast back. But, you know, Kristen Bell is "my" hottie number 1. So thumbs up for her from me.
Honestly I'd rather have Rosie O'Donnell as MJ then Dunst again whining and complaining before, during, and after production. That way Donald Trump could be JJJ.
If anything, they'll return with 4, then decided that they can't do anymore...then a new directer and cast will return to do 5 or start a reboot.
It just sucks because with movies you can tell too many stories of Spidey in high school because 3-4 years go by between each film and the actors age. So they have to pick and choose the stories and villains based on the new movie franchise instead of thinking just like the comic books. A reboot would mean nothing to me since everyone already knows the damn least to me it's too soon. Maybe in 10 years a 3d digital spider-man origin film would be awesome by Cameron. :)
I have the Wizard. It has no info on SM4, but Raimi says that he does not like showing deleted scenes....I hope that doesn't mean no SM3 extended cut!
I have the Wizard. It has no info on SM4, but Raimi says that he does not like showing deleted scenes....I hope that doesn't mean no SM3 extended cut!
No it just means no "Directors Cut", there will be without a doubt be an "Extended cut" though.
I have the Wizard. It has no info on SM4, but Raimi says that he does not like showing deleted scenes....I hope that doesn't mean no SM3 extended cut!

Raimi didn't even want to do 2.1, so don't worry about that--extended cuts are studio decisions, not something Raimi willingly does.

As for the "not showing deleted scenes", that's his reasoning for not including any deleted scenes on the DVD.

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