i'd have loved to see this show get at least one season to try and take off... i finally saw the pilot last night, and i really enjoyed it. i guess it is kind of a 'smallville jr.' seeing as that it was made by the same guys, and, if i counted right, it starred 3 'meteor freaks', one phantom zoner, and the green lantern himself, but still, i think it would have had a very interesting story arc, although, i don't think they could have kept it up for more than a season or two. there's only so much you can do in the water, but the whole bermuda triangle bit could have been very fascinating, if done right.
there's a petition somewhere online to get it back on the air, and give it another shot. i signed it yesterday. with some of the crap the CW puts on the air, you'd think they could have given this show at least a chance to get its sea legs. i think they should air the pilot, and see what kind of response it gets, considering it's been downloaded a few hundred thousand times from itunes, and a lot of the reviews are pretty positive.
oh well, there's my rant.