

The Triumvirate
Jul 9, 2005
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I like arcades. Love them more than the home consoles. However, it seems like the arcade is going the way of the dinosauer.
Yep. Used to have two nearby, both closed. Still go to Dave and Busters sometimes, though.
I don't have one at all near me :(
Yeah we had a great one here when I was growing up but once the ps2 hit they shut it down.
arcades are ****in great but like you said they are becoming old, but they are still great. :up:
I liked the way they used to be........................before DDR. It's cool to watch the people who can do it, I wait to see if they'll trip and fall when they go really fast.
Remember the TMNT, X-Men, Street Fighter 2, Samurai Showdown arcade games? Ahh those were the days:up:
There's some great games that one would only find at the arade. For instance, thge Jurassic Park first person shooter. That was great.
Silent Scope, Time Crisis, ocassionally House of the Dead, and the Dance Dance Revolution machines are all I play.
I remember liking this game





i used to love that simpsons arcade game. that **** was pretty cool. :up:
There was one game from Japan. Where you are a cop. You play it standing up and the camera actually moved as you did. It was pretty cool.
I will spend any amount of money on Hydro Thunder. It's my greatest vice. We have a bunch of arcades by me. DDR, and other rythym games, are what keeps them afloat. There are alot of goths who wish they were Aisan. Don't get me wrong, I like anime and the like. But these kids are like Oakzap on steroids.
Leto Atrides said:
I will spend any amount of money on Hydro Thunder.

Is that the firefighter game? Where you have that hose and spray out the fires? 'Cause if it is, yeah, that game was pretty kickass.

edit: haha, no wai, totally wrong game. My bad.
Alien vs Predator was the shiznit too:up:
Master Chief said:
Is that the firefighter game? Where you have that hose and spray out the fires? 'Cause if it is, yeah, that game was pretty kickass.

I like that game too, but it is the one where you race boats.

Leto Atrides said:
I like that game too, but it is the one where you race boats.


Yeah, I think I had that for the N64... I realized I was wrong. :o
There is a Star Wars video game that I put $5.00 in if I see it.
Master Chief said:
Yeah, I think I had that for the N64... I realized I was wrong.
It wasn't bad on consoles, but it doesn't compare. It sucks, though. Most arcades have replaced it with the crap that is Arctic Thunder.
ShadowBoxing said:
I remember liking this game
"Pyro will turn you to toast!"
"Nothing moves the Blob!"
"The White Queen welcomes you to die!"
"Juggernaut will flatten you!"
"X-men! Welcome to die!"
"I am Magneto, you are nothing!"
"I am Magneto, Master of Magnet!"
"You are helpless against my power, X-Men!"
"X-Men, welcome to die!!"
"Kill you!"
"You are dead!"

I loved how Wendigo would jump out and say his own name.


probably could've bought 2 or 3 of those machines with the quarters I spent on 'em.

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