Are we too harsh on SM3?

Green Goblin

Crawling on walls
Jun 24, 2013
Reaction score
While it is generally considered a bad movie but I have seen it appear on lists of the worst films of all time. Is it really that bad? I do hate SM3 but it is far from being with the worst films of all time...
I made a thread about Spider-Man 3 being on a list of worst films, and it was second to last.

The issue is that the movie was such a letdown, and that's why it gets so much hate. I will be honest... The first half of the movie really isn't THAT bad. It's actually quite enjoyable.

The second half is where the movie really goes downhill, and its marked by Peter giving himself an Emo hairstyle in an alleyway right after defeating sandman. We get him dancing in the street pointing a women, and while it gave a few laughs, it was ridiculously embarrassing. Then to top that off, we get Peter dancing at a jazz club and making things even WORSE... That makes you think to yourself, "well dancing in the street wasn't so bad after all... at least it was funny." Then after all this crap, we finally get venom, who turns out to be another disappointment.

The first half of the movie had fun fight scenes between spiderman an sandman, and we had Peter brawling it out with Harry mid-air which was enjoyable. There were colorful scenes like spidey saving Gwen and Spider-Man day. The flaws were there, but they weren't half as bad as what was yet to come in the second half.
Oh, the movie is horrendous. When you have Peter stopping to re-comb his hair with his hands emo-style because he's possessed by the dark side or dancing in the street because he's now really evil, or having his female neighbor give him cookies and milk because he's just that malevolent... it's almost like you want the movie to be bad.
It's funny Empire did a vote a couple of years ago for a 50 worst movies of all time list (this was a voted list compiled by thousands of readers), and the readers voted in Spider-Man 3 at the 50th spot:

I do think things like this are overly harsh. Spider-Man 3 may be a bad movie, but it's not even a contender for the worst movie of all time.
I am of the opinion that once you reach a certain limit, there's no actual useful debate as to which bad movie is worse than which.
Being on that Empire list reflects more disappointment among fanboys then it does being one of the worst films ever made. Is it bad? Yes, it's very bad. Personally I hate the film because of my love for the character and my annoyance at how it soiled the trilogy as a whole. Same goes for X3. Tough to be objective when you are passionate about something.
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It's funny Empire did a vote a couple of years ago for a 50 worst movies of all time list (this was a voted list compiled by thousands of readers), and the readers voted in Spider-Man 3 at the 50th spot:

I do think things like this are overly harsh. Spider-Man 3 may be a bad movie, but it's not even a contender for the worst movie of all time.

I agree as much as I hate SM3, It's not even a contender for the worst film of all time. Hell I'm not even sure it would be on the top ten worst CBM of all time... Looking at you Ghost Rider films...:jedi
It's funny Empire did a vote a couple of years ago for a 50 worst movies of all time list (this was a voted list compiled by thousands of readers), and the readers voted in Spider-Man 3 at the 50th spot:

I do think things like this are overly harsh. Spider-Man 3 may be a bad movie, but it's not even a contender for the worst movie of all time.

Agree. Things like that poll is too harsh for S-M 3, but in the eyes of comparing it to CBMs, it's pretty bad. When it comes to Marvel films, S-M 3 is probably in the the top five in worst CBMs. Top ten or fifteen when including all CBMs.
Oh, the movie is horrendous. When you have Peter stopping to re-comb his hair with his hands emo-style because he's possessed by the dark side or dancing in the street because he's now really evil, or having his female neighbor give him cookies and milk because he's just that malevolent... it's almost like you want the movie to be bad.

That's not even the worst, Sandman killing Uncle Ben was one of the worst idea's in CBM history for me ugh, Sam Rami should have left after SM2. All his creative juice was gone and we could have got a SM Trilogy we deserved.
Well directed film with a flawed script
I wasn't a big fan of any of the Raimi films, so I never got all the hate.

Is it inferior to 1 and 2? Yeah. Is it really that much inferior? Not really.

The only thing that I can see really pissing off fans of the first two movies is what they did with Uncle Ben.
When Spider-Man started dancing I knew that the franchise could not get any worse...
Well directed film with a flawed script

LOL, no. Did the script say "re-comb your hair into an emo style"? In worst of cases, Raimi should have said 'I quit' before shooting.
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Agree. Things like that poll is too harsh for S-M 3, but in the eyes of comparing it to CBMs, it's pretty bad. When it comes to Marvel films, S-M 3 is probably in the the top five in worst CBMs. Top ten or fifteen when including all CBMs.

There are a number of films off the top of my head that are worse than Spider-Man 3 IMO.

The Fantastic Four (1994)
Fantastic 4
Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer
Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance
Captain America (1990)
The Blade Trilogy
The 1977 Spider-Man movie pilot
SM3 was easily one of the worst movie-going experiences I've was such a disappointing conclusion to the trilogy. So, no, I was never too harsh on SM3. Just the right amount of harshness :cwink:
There are a number of films off the top of my head that are worse than Spider-Man 3 IMO.

The Fantastic Four (1994)
Fantastic 4
Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer
Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance
Captain America (1990)
The Blade Trilogy
The 1977 Spider-Man movie pilot

Some of those were bad because they were based on a TV budget. But SM3 had budget enough and yet it tried really hard to be bad.
Some of those were bad because they were based on a TV budget. But SM3 had budget enough and yet it tried really hard to be bad.

Movies are movies. Doesn't matter if the film has a $500 budget or a $200 billion dollar budget.

Trying to put lenience on something simply because it was made for TV, DVD, or has a low budget does not exempt it from being a "film" and it still can qualify for being "one of the worst."
What was it that you loved about it? Just curious as I know that despite being known as a bad film generally there are people who liked it

Lots of stuff.
To start off with the little, the score was magnificent. Great special effects for its time and most even for today.

I loved the revenge/forgiveness plot adding on to the first film's responsibility plot, and the second's sacrifice/destiny. I like themes.
Peter and Harry, Peter and Flint, Eddie and Peter etc etc. I liked how all of them worked it out except for Eddie, who I think is the true villain and evil in the film, as well as the Symbiote, who couldn't forgive.
The Flint and Uncle Ben thing wasn't necessary, and I felt it complicated the simplicity of the origin, but the premise was still there. However, I got what they were doing trying to make Peter forgive the one thing he never did. He always had a hatred for the killer, and now he can mature and let that go. Yes, he is still responsible, but now he doesn't have that hatred in his heart. I liked that. Not 100% needed, but I get it.
Venom was done perfectly. He looked great, the growls were great, his plot was great. Only issues with me were the lack of monstrous voice (though better left alone than made into something stupid sounding like people on Youtube try to make), and his lack of screentime. Other than that, I was happy with him.
Sandman was a great villain visually and I liked the backstory they gave him. It is way better than his comic book story. It made me like him a lot more.
Harry was also fantastic in it. The two fight scenes were really well done, as was the whole arc with him and Peter teaming up to save their friend/love, MJ.
I loved the birth of Sandman and birth of Venom scenes in every way possible. The music, cinematography, camera work, etc was all perfect in those.
I was okay with Peter dancing. He is a fun, dorky character. I didn't think it was much cheesier than him walking down the street to "Raindrops" in SM2. I think the jazz scene over did it, but it was still funny. I thought the scene in the street was hilarious. Say what you want about the "emo" hair. At least that was the only thing about him that was emo. Typically emos don't wear Italian suits and dance to jazz music. They also aren't cocky and full of themselves.

I have to go back to work, but that's probably a good chunk of what I like in that movie. I think it's great.
There are things I hate, or wish they changed, but there are things like that in the first two or almost any other film. I felt like Sam Raimi had a lot forced on him and made the best out of it that he could, and his effort showed to me. He had a lot of characters to juggle and I felt he did great. The film suffered a bit from all of it too, but it still turned out well for me. I was concerned going in after reading the novel, but came out of the film satisfied. The more I watch it the more I love it.
Movies are movies. Doesn't matter if the film has a $500 budget or a $200 billion dollar budget.

Trying to put lenience on something simply because it was made for TV, DVD, or has a low budget does not exempt it from being a "film" and it still can qualify for being "one of the worst."

Lol, try and make a decent Spider-man movie with $500. Budget matters man.
There are a number of films off the top of my head that are worse than Spider-Man 3 IMO.

The Fantastic Four (1994)
Fantastic 4
Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer
Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance
Captain America (1990)
The Blade Trilogy
The 1977 Spider-Man movie pilot

I would never compare a low budget TV film, or even a cancelled project to actual big budget CBMs.

Plus, the entire Blade trilogy? Blade I and II were phenomenal, imo.
Lots of stuff.
To start off with the little, the score was magnificent. Great special effects for its time and most even for today.

I loved the revenge/forgiveness plot adding on to the first film's responsibility plot, and the second's sacrifice/destiny. I like themes.
Peter and Harry, Peter and Flint, Eddie and Peter etc etc. I liked how all of them worked it out except for Eddie, who I think is the true villain and evil in the film, as well as the Symbiote, who couldn't forgive.
The Flint and Uncle Ben thing wasn't necessary, and I felt it complicated the simplicity of the origin, but the premise was still there. However, I got what they were doing trying to make Peter forgive the one thing he never did. He always had a hatred for the killer, and now he can mature and let that go. Yes, he is still responsible, but now he doesn't have that hatred in his heart. I liked that. Not 100% needed, but I get it.
Venom was done perfectly. He looked great, the growls were great, his plot was great. Only issues with me were the lack of monstrous voice (though better left alone than made into something stupid sounding like people on Youtube try to make), and his lack of screentime. Other than that, I was happy with him.
Sandman was a great villain visually and I liked the backstory they gave him. It is way better than his comic book story. It made me like him a lot more.
Harry was also fantastic in it. The two fight scenes were really well done, as was the whole arc with him and Peter teaming up to save their friend/love, MJ.
I loved the birth of Sandman and birth of Venom scenes in every way possible. The music, cinematography, camera work, etc was all perfect in those.
I was okay with Peter dancing. He is a fun, dorky character. I didn't think it was much cheesier than him walking down the street to "Raindrops" in SM2. I think the jazz scene over did it, but it was still funny. I thought the scene in the street was hilarious. Say what you want about the "emo" hair. At least that was the only thing about him that was emo. Typically emos don't wear Italian suits and dance to jazz music. They also aren't cocky and full of themselves.

I have to go back to work, but that's probably a good chunk of what I like in that movie. I think it's great.
There are things I hate, or wish they changed, but there are things like that in the first two or almost any other film. I felt like Sam Raimi had a lot forced on him and made the best out of it that he could, and his effort showed to me. He had a lot of characters to juggle and I felt he did great. The film suffered a bit from all of it too, but it still turned out well for me. I was concerned going in after reading the novel, but came out of the film satisfied. The more I watch it the more I love it.
Basically that, expecially the part in bold.

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