Transformers Autobot Line-Up

Optimus Prime
Ultra Magnus

Yes , the Metroplex choice is unfair, but I needed to compensate for no Dinobots or Aerialbots. I'd choose Skyfire for a more conventional choice.
Metroplex? Defense against Devastator?
And why Ultra Magnus? Second in command?
Yeah, I was primarily thinking about Devastator when I listed Metroplex. I'd rather have the Dinobots against him, but Metro was easier to list. I was thinking either him or Omega Supreme. I like Metro's concept better.

I always liked Ultra Magnus. He was a strong soldier, though he never really wanted to be the top guy. I think that makes for interesting storytelling. Magnus is useful in more specific areas, while Prime has to be more of a big picture guy.

Man, talking about these characters is taking me. I can't wait for this damn movie.
-Optimus Prime
Damn, I forgot about Mirage. Good pick.
Hmmm...great question.
I'll assemble the list, meanwhile I'll say that Arcee will be on my list...
Do you think the movie will have characters that turn into more threatening vehicles than a voltswagon,like a tank or something?
I hear that Megatron will be a tank. Also, I've heard there will only be 10 Transformers in the movie. That news came out over a year ago, so I'm hoping it's changed.
This is the relevant part of the article, dated July, 11, 2005. The link to the full piece is below...

The Transformers legacy is so vast and full of characters, we just had to know who they may be including in the story. "The staple characters: Optimus Prime, Megatron, Soundwave, Shockwave, Starscream, Jazz," Kurtzman replied. "There's going to be a lot of them. You're going to have ten Transformers in that movie, and if that's not enough, you can go see 2, 3, 4 or 5."

"The meat and potatoes are going to be in there," writing partner Roberto Orci continued. "We're just missing the premise for the sequels.
They better not. Roster space is limited enough as is. The cassettes shouldn't really get that much screen time.
Mister J said:
They better not. Roster space is limited enough as is. The cassettes shouldn't really get that much screen time.

Minor characters. Cannon fodder.
Optimus Prime
Iron Hide
Out of political correctness, do you guys think that they will include a female autobot such as Arcee?
MODOK said:
Out of political correctness, do you guys think that they will include a female autobot such as Arcee?

Murphy said in one of his Sunday Updates back in laste December that Arcee was removed from the script.

So, unless things have changed, she isn't going to be in the movie anymore.

Which is fine with me, as I never liked the idea of female Transformers. The only series to ever implement it properly was Beast Wars, IMO.
DrSpengler said:
Murphy said in one of his Sunday Updates back in laste December that Arcee was removed from the script.

So, unless things have changed, she isn't going to be in the movie anymore.

Which is fine with me, as I never liked the idea of female Transformers. The only series to ever implement it properly was Beast Wars, IMO.

I have no problem with female Transformers. But I've yet to see one that I liked.

Arcee was pink for christsakes! PINK!!
Not just pink, but she wore eyeshadow and lipgloss. Pluss her design looked like she was wearing (metal) panties.

Just...stupid. They're robots, they are genderless.

I think Strika from Beast Machines was the most "realistic" version of a female Transformer, looking just like any other Transformer but having a femanine (sorta) voice.

But as far as the romance route is concerned, Blackarachnia was the least annoying/stupid. At least, female transformers make more sense in the Beast Wars environment as they have organics assimilated into their robotic structures (even more-so in Beast Machines). So gender isn't too far out-there.

But in G1? Stupid.

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