I do a couple different backups. One using just a simple batch file for personal stuff and another that zips up my work stuff and places them on a FTP Site. I also do a ghost image once a week.
I thought about doing Ghost images, but I feel its needed for me.
I have a personal 500GB mirrored NAS where I store my personal data.
If my machine tanks, and the hardware is still good, I will just reinstall, I have all the software. Its good to have a fresh machine... None of my machine are mission critical that need to be up and running withing an hour.
Very cool, I'm looking into a NAS setup as soon as I get my entertainment server and another pc for work built, so I don't have be to tied to a laptop at home.
The Ghosting isn't too bad, I just kick it off before going to bed. Takes about a half hour on my laptop. And, it's about the same to get it back up and running.
Does you guys backup data on your PC?
how do you do it?
Just curious....
I do it using some scripts I wrote using a small application called RobocopyXP
Super Duper!! t:
Can't you just Ghost a hard drive by using the command prompt and using the command xcopy source destination?