Barkley considering running for gov and no longer a Republican!

Matt said:
Yea, and behind by like...20 points. He is making an absolute ass of himself. He had Terry Bradshaw campaigning for him for godsakes.
HAHAHAHAHAHA really? :D he's a republican right? you gotta link I would love to read more of that.
KingOfDreams said:
There's a difference I think from mentioning religion in response to a question and basing legislation on it.
how was the example I gave basing legislation on religion?
If Swan was in a true red state like Georgia with a large percentage of black people, he would win the race. It was stupid for the GOP to have him run in PN to begin with.
I'm voting for an independent for Texas Governor. Kinky Friedman. I like what he says and how he says it and the issues he stands for. The Democratic candidate wouldn't be a bad governor but his campaign is pretty ****ty in my opinion. It hasn;t given me confidence in his ability to win. I'm not so sure Kinky will win either but I believe he has a better chance than Chris Bell. This is my first protest vote. Texas government needs to be shook up and I think Kinky is just the person to do it, someone who isn't a career politician. Here's a little info on Kinky in case you've never heard of him...
Didn't he write songs with a satirical look at Jews and black people?
Man-Thing said:
how was the example I gave basing legislation on religion?

It's not. I said I didn't mind him answering the question. I know that's mixing politics and religion and that's what I said I'm against but it only mixes it in a very rudimentary way that is really not that big of a deal. Jimmy Carter was/is a born-again like Bush but I don't remember hearing or reading anything about him mixing it with the concrete business of politics, legislation. Granted, I could be wrong. It was before I was born. Basically, actions matter. That's not to discount words. Words can be a powerful tool. Look at Hitler. And the Bush administration has certainly used words to thier benefit. Spin doctors play a part in politics with any politician of any party. But words have to be followed by actions. This may sound like I'm contradicting myself a little but I don't look at things in black and white.
Man-Thing said:
Didn't he write songs with a satirical look at Jews and black people?

Yeah...though I don't know about the black people part. He's a satirist and Jewish himself. His band in the '70s was called The Texas Jew Boys. He was part of the "cosmic cowboy" movement that Willie Nelson practically started.
Man-Thing said:
If Swan was in a true red state like Georgia with a large percentage of black people, he would win the race. It was stupid for the GOP to have him run in PN to begin with.

The problem is, the name Lynn Swann doesn't effect people in Georgia like it does with people in PA. Lynn Swann is not running on a platform. He is running on being Lynn Swann, the Steeler great. That is why he is resorting to things like Terry Bradshaw campaigning for him. If he were running the same exact campaign in Georgia, he would lose there as well.
Matt said:
The problem is, the name Lynn Swann doesn't effect people in Georgia like it does with people in PA. Lynn Swann is not running on a platform. He is running on being Lynn Swann, the Steeler great. That is why he is resorting to things like Terry Bradshaw campaigning for him. If he were running the same exact campaign in Georgia, he would lose there as well.

I don't think so.
Even the weakest platforms can win if you got the "wouldn't it cool if he was govenor" mojo going.
Man-Thing said:
I don't think so.
Even the weakest platforms can win if you got the "wouldn't it cool if he was govenor" mojo going.

I think PA is proving that wrong. This guy should be up 40 points Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh loves their Steelers. They have the most loyal fans on earth. It is a heavily black community as well, which he should appeal to. He is doing neither. That shows that a campaign with no platform just cannot be effective.

Then again...maybe I am just being optimistic and Swann is simply too old and if Jerome Bettis entered the race tomorrow, he would win in a land slide. I'd like to think Americans are smarter though.
That's why if a black GOP ever gets nominated, he will be a shoe-in to win. For one, many black people would like to plain and simply see a black person as president, and since the most blacks are democrats they would vote for the black GOP canidate in the general elections, thus swaying the black vote to the GOP.
Man-Thing said:
That's why if a black GOP ever gets nominated, he will be a shoe-in to win. For one, many black people would like to plain and simply see a black person as president, and since the most blacks are democrats they would vote for the black GOP canidate in the general elections, thus swaying the black vote to the GOP.

The problem is, the Republicans remain the white rich man's party. A black republican will not make it past the primarly for at least 30 years. We'd likely have to see a major revolution within both parties for it to come to that. And Condi doesn't really count, as she is hopeless whether she is black, white, male, female.
Matt said:
I think PA is proving that wrong. This guy should be up 40 points Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh loves their Steelers. They have the most loyal fans on earth. It is a heavily black community as well, which he should appeal to. He is doing neither. That shows that a campaign with no platform just cannot be effective.

It also shows that PA (i called it PN ealier-sorry) is a true moderate state/swing voter state. I don't know the black population % in PA, so I can't call that into effect. Bottom line, it shows PA's distrust of the GOP right now. In my post before this one, I said they have to have that "wouldn't it be great if he were govenor" mojo working. Kinda like Ahnold. Ahnold got lots of votes from people just believing it would be cool to have the terminator as govenor and the apparant insubordination of Grey Davis.
Matt said:
The problem is, the Republicans remain the white rich man's party. A black republican will not make it past the primarly for at least 30 years. We'd likely have to see a major revolution within both parties for it to come to that. And Condi doesn't really count, as she is hopeless whether she is black, white, male, female.

I agree. Funny thing though, where I live most racist I've encountered are Democrats and above 50. One told me he would rather vote for a "******" than a republican as if I was supposed to be in agreement with him.
Man-Thing said:
It also shows that PA (i called it PN ealier-sorry) is a true moderate state/swing voter state. I don't know the black population % in PA, so I can't call that into effect. Bottom line, it shows PA's distrust of the GOP right now. In my post before this one, I said they have to have that "wouldn't it be great if he were govenor" mojo working. Kinda like Ahnold. Ahnold got lots of votes from people just believing it would be cool to have the terminator as govenor and the apparant insubordination of Grey Davis.

Perhaps...however Californians aren't exactly the smartest portion of the population ;)
Man-Thing said:
I agree. Funny thing though, where I live most racist I've encountered are Democrats and above 50. One told me he would rather vote for a "******" than a republican as if I was supposed to be in agreement with him.

Good ol' Dixiecrats live on I guess.
Matt said:
Perhaps...however Californians aren't exactly the smartest portion of the population ;)
When it comes to intelligence were moderates!!!:o
Matt said:
Good ol' Dixiecrats live on I guess.

I don't like them. They're only Democrats because of decades of party allegience. Zell Miller comes to mind. Didn't he leave the party not too long ago?
JLBats said:
Regardless, even if you think you might share some idealogical values with the party, if you consider them whiners, why align yourself with them?

that's kind of a dumb question. Obviously I think they are better for america than the alternative, otherwise I wouldn't be aligned with them would I?

Sometimes you vote for the better candidate, and sometimes you vote for the lesser of two evils.
Man-Thing said:
I agree. Funny thing though, where I live most racist I've encountered are Democrats and above 50. One told me he would rather vote for a "******" than a republican as if I was supposed to be in agreement with him.

funny thing is the democats support social programs to make sure that people like him don't exist in the future.
California: From one inarticulate governor to another.


California politics are the new marketing for has beens.​

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