Batman After Nolan

Yeah, I hate how people ignore the fantastic side of comics and often go to the "real" aspect. But that's for another thread...

They don't ignore it, they just use what works for the movie they wanna make. Sticking to the fantastic side didn't make some of the crappiest comic book flicks better.
Nolan's Batman films are not only iconic masterpieces when it comes to Comic book films, but are phenomenal triumphs of storytelling in general, far better quality than anything Burton has ever contributed.
One thing I really want to see is a more agile Batman. For 20+ years, we've seen WB spend hundreds of millions of dollars and the best they can come up with is a heavy rubber suit that severely limits the movement of Batman during fight scenes. Would love it if they can make some big improvements in this area for the next version of the character on screen.
From Motion Captured:
Exclusive: Is Joseph Gordon-Levitt already set to play Batman in 'Justice League'?
Moriarty said:
Warner Bros. appears to be firming up their plans for the future of the character
Moriarty said:
It's starting to look like Warner Bros may hold Christopher Nolan in the highest possible regard, but that in the end, they own their characters and they will decide what they're going to do with them.

After all, we heard much talk this summer about how the Batman franchise was ending, at least as far as the current version is concerned, and I believe that Nolan was serious when he said that was the last story he had to tell about the character. But Nolan is working with Warner Bros. on the "Man Of Steel" relaunch this summer, and as we reported earlier today, director Zack Snyder is starting to hint at the idea that his film is part of a larger continuity.

Certainly, the ending of "The Dark Knight Rises" hints at a possible future for the franchise, and there has been much speculation about whether or not they'll work to connect the end of that film to the larger world of DC properties that Warner is so desperate to create. Over the last couple of weeks, that speculation seems to have turned into conversation, and that conversation seems to be solidifying into a plan.

According to sources, Joseph Gordon-Levitt absolutely will be appearing in "Justice League" as the new Batman.

Now here's where things get interesting. The more insistent the drumbeat has become, the more poking around I've been doing, and it's looking like we may see Gordon-Levitt in the suit earlier than that. They're a long way from filming anything "Justice League" related, but they appear to be solidifying deals for Gordon-Levitt and, potentially, at least one other actor from the Nolan films to do… something.

So let's take what we know and speculate a little bit. How crazy do you think fans would go if Superman were to take to the skies at the end of "Man Of Steel," finally ready to fully accept his role as mankind's most powerful protector, only to have the closing credits interrupted when something catches his attention and he swoops down out of that sky, landing on a rooftop where Jim Gordon stands next to the Bat-Signal, interrupting just as the new Batman arrives for a chat about Gotham's latest problem?

Pretty crazy, I'd wager.

Keep in mind, I'm not saying that will happen at the end of "Man Of Steel." I'm just saying that Warner Bros. has been studying the way Marvel handled their build-up to "The Avengers," and once they've made the decision they've apparently made, why not start laying the groundwork as soon as possible?

More than ever, I'm curious to lay eyes on "Man Of Steel," and to see just what Warner has in mind for the future. It's going to be fascinating.
Whaaa? JGL as Bats in a JL movie? Rumor control out of control.
From Latino Review 8.3.12:
Warner Brothers Wants ‘Batman’ Reboot To Hit Theaters In 2016
Laura Frances said:
It turns out Warner Bros. really wants to reboot the Batman franchise, and it all might be happening sooner than you think. Even after Christopher Nolan’s fantastic ending, the studio wants the Caped Crusader to return to the big screen in just four short years.

Cosmic Books News is reporting that Warner Bros. wants the new Batman movie to follow the Justice League movie (tentative release date for that is 2015). However, this reboot won’t be another origin story (like The Amazing Spider-Man), instead it’ll focus on Batman’s second year as a hero. The film may be titled The Batman.

But wait, there’s more details. This new Batman “will be part of the same shared DC Universe that features the Justice League Movie as well as having Henry Cavill in the role of Superman in Justice League and subsequent sequels to the Man of Steel.”

It’s definitely way too soon to even be talking about a reboot, but the details sound somewhat promising. One of the things that The Amazing Spider-Man got wrong was retelling the origin story. (How many times must we see Uncle Ben die, seriously?) Batman’s origin story has been told and retold so it’ll be interesting to see something else… but in a decade or two. 2016 seems like way too soon.

Hopefully these are just rumors. After all, it’s not like The Dark Knight Rises isn’t making the studio any money.

SOURCE: Cosmic Book News

From Collider August 28th, 2012:
Rumor: New Batman Could Get His Start in JUSTICE LEAGUE by Summer 2015
Brendan Bettinger said:
With the conclusion of Christopher Nolan‘s Batman trilogy, the future of DC Comics movies is entirely up in the air right now. DC and Warner Bros’ next step in the gameplan is Zack Snyder‘s Superman reboot Man of Steel, which must fight through the general disappointment created by the last reboot, Superman Returns. That’s nothing compared to Green Lantern, which rode a 26% Rotten Tomatoes score to squeak past $200 million worldwide. But hey, at least they have movies: Wonder Woman and The Flash are left out in the cold, and Aquaman may only be a viable superhero in the Hollywood fantasy of Entourage.

DC’s rival Marvel spent years carefully assembling their stable of heroes, culminating in the smash success of The Avengers. It seems DC is going to cut through the Gordian knot and skip straight to Justice League after Man of Steel, and use that to introduce the new era of DC movies. More after the jump.

A source told Batman on Film that Justice League will be the next DC picture after Man of Steel, possibly lined up for Summer 2015. As suits their interest, BOF noted that the new, rebooted Batman would be introduced in Justice League before WB started a new standalone Batman series. One could hardly blame DC for using the movie as an opportunity to reboot Green Lantern. And since Snyder has implied that his Superman has no explicit connection to Justice League, there is flexibility there as well.

Treat this all as rumor for now, in part because all things Justice League—including stories that the likes of Ben Affleck or the Wachowskis might direct—should be treated as rumor. Even if Warner Bros. know exactly what they want to do with the DC heroes, they are waiting to make those intentions public. We have confirmed that Gangster Squad writer Will Beall is working on the Justice League script, and Christopher Nolan does not want to be involved. With that foundation, please feel free to take over the speculation in the comments.
I wish Batman on film was like the Batman: The Animated Series. To me that's perfect Batman.
A live action Batman based on the animated series (with a fed adjustments,of course) would be fine for a JLA movie AND a solo series (IMO).
I think it's important to ditch the origin. Like it's been said millions of times already, if they are gonna do it, do it in flashbacks. Jump right into him being Batman, maybe for a few years already. He has been taking out low level crime but now it's time for him to deal with something bigger. The first movie could be Freeze, with an underlying workings of Black Mask. Think of Mask as a mob boss type, taking the Falcone roll. In the end he defeats Freeze and meets a boy who idolizes him and hopes to help him, Robin. After finishing off Freeze and with the help of Robin Batman begins plans to take out Black Mask.

In movie 2, Batman captures Maks at the beginning, a year later. Robin is now a badass apprentice who can kick ass. (Think AC Robin) Gordon tells the two about a string of killings involving a man leaving various clues. Batman then pursues the Riddler for the first half of the film. While he is preoccupied with the Riddler he sends Robin to investigate mob killings which end up being the doings of the Penguin, who has taken over after Black Masks apprehension. The Riddler's clues lead Batman to question an inmate at Arkham. He arrives there and is briefed about the patient by Dr. Harlene Quinzel. He enters the room and has a 10 minute interaction with an albino with dark green hair, who can't stop laughing throughout the meeting. From here on out let Robin take out the Penguin, proving his worth, and have Batman apprehend the Riddler in an ultimate finale. As the movie begins to culminate, have a clip of Harlene Quinzel looking nervous and unlocking a solitary confinement cell. We see a man in the shadows begin to rise and slowly start laughing maniacally.

3rd movie, pretty much Death in the Family. Joker kills robin. Harley Quinn is in it. Could be really badass.

That's all.
I think it's important to ditch the origin. Like it's been said millions of times already, if they are gonna do it, do it in flashbacks. Jump right into him being Batman, maybe for a few years already. He has been taking out low level crime but now it's time for him to deal with something bigger. The first movie could be Freeze, with an underlying workings of Black Mask. Think of Mask as a mob boss type, taking the Falcone roll. In the end he defeats Freeze and meets a boy who idolizes him and hopes to help him, Robin. After finishing off Freeze and with the help of Robin Batman begins plans to take out Black Mask.

In movie 2, Batman captures Maks at the beginning, a year later. Robin is now a badass apprentice who can kick ass. (Think AC Robin) Gordon tells the two about a string of killings involving a man leaving various clues. Batman then pursues the Riddler for the first half of the film. While he is preoccupied with the Riddler he sends Robin to investigate mob killings which end up being the doings of the Penguin, who has taken over after Black Masks apprehension. The Riddler's clues lead Batman to question an inmate at Arkham. He arrives there and is briefed about the patient by Dr. Harlene Quinzel. He enters the room and has a 10 minute interaction with an albino with dark green hair, who can't stop laughing throughout the meeting. From here on out let Robin take out the Penguin, proving his worth, and have Batman apprehend the Riddler in an ultimate finale. As the movie begins to culminate, have a clip of Harlene Quinzel looking nervous and unlocking a solitary confinement cell. We see a man in the shadows begin to rise and slowly start laughing maniacally.

3rd movie, pretty much Death in the Family. Joker kills robin. Harley Quinn is in it. Could be really badass.

That's all.
I actually liked his idea. No origin period. It's been done to death in comics, tv, animated, and the big screen. Have the movie start off immediately with him as Batman. Kind of how Forever already had two face established. We know who these characters are we don't need these long drawn out origins. Let's get to some action.
Origin stories have plenty of action. I'll take good story first and action second.
I'm not saying I want action over story. I don't want another Bruce Wayne origin story. Why would you need one. It's overkill at this point. Unless you are going to change the origin, which wouldn't make sense, why for the love of god would you think anyone wants to see Wayne's origin again. If you go with an origin story that has fail written all over it. Wayne should already be Batman in the reboot.
Either way if you explore his thoughts you have to have a mini-flashback of his parents getting shot.
that's fine but it should be quick. now if you want to make him obsessive over his parents deaths i'll welcome that. But no more of why he wants to be batman or how he becomes batman.
you open the movie with it being set "One Year Ago" with Bruce going on his first failed mission undercover and him back at the mansion looking at his parents picture and the bat coming in and showing him what he must become. cut to opening sequence and brings us to the present time with him as batman. that way we can get to the story and not have to be shown where everything came from, he got it over that one year.
I'm just going to pretend for the moment that the Justice League film and any spin-offs or continuity with past or future films do not exist.

Some fantasy Batman film reboot principles:

* No long-winded origin story.
I love me a good drawn-out origin story, let me tell you. Brief flashbacks could be all that's needed in a new continuity. No harm with brief flashbacks in any sequels to this film either, so long as bad retconning is avoided.

* Focus on the activities of Batman and Bruce Wayne. Not the GCPD and the supporting cast.
The BM/BW actor should be in the far vast majority of shots in the film, interacting with the supporting cast. It should be scripted accordingly.

* No multiple love interests.
One movie only has so much time to establish one in a great way, let alone more than that.

* Take a break from the terrorists.
We just had a string of films dealing with post-9/11 angst and it's time to move beyond that. I appreciate that it gave us some cool villains but to carve its own path and really be a reboot it's time for a new theme.
Don't do the origin story again. It can be told in one flashback.

I'd rather start with an established universe. I hate watching origin stories over and over again.
And Batman is the most overdone one in history. I mean just think about how many times we have heard about it from all mediums. Video Games, comics, cartoons, animated movies, movies. I would honestly be ok if the first movie of the reboot doesn't even discuss it. save it for the sequel just to give us a break.
I want the reboot to just jump right into the story. I want batman to not have time to explore his origin and parents because he's too busy trying to stop the villain from killing. Maybe you can go riddler for the first movie. as others have stated make it a 7 type role where batman is doing detective work all through out and he has to stop him. you can make it like arkham city where riddler is setting traps that batman has to figure out. not a threat to the city but just innocent civilians trapped in riddlers game. Bam that's the plot in its simple version.

Second movie you can dig deeper into Wayne as a character as he battles a villain that is a battle of the mind just as much as a physical in mr. freeze. freeze should be just like he is in Arkham city and btas. just a scientist wanting to save his wife and willing to do anything. now this villain should be a major city threat. freeze makes the city into an Iceland..also wouldn't mind seeing catwoman have a cameo.. freeze with all of his tech and weapons turns out to be too much for batman and he figures a way to destroy him in the end.

third movie introduce the joker..a little bit of heath mixed in with Hamills deadly as ledgers joker but laughs a lot more and does silly things more..also introduce Harley in this one as well..have joker turn Harley into the the sessions of how he made her crazy..then just have a movie full of epic battle between joker and batman..

I just came up with this as I type but just thoughts on what first popped into my mind..
I'm just going to pretend for the moment that the Justice League film and any spin-offs or continuity with past or future films do not exist.

Some fantasy Batman film reboot principles:

* No long-winded origin story.
I love me a good drawn-out origin story, let me tell you. Brief flashbacks could be all that's needed in a new continuity. No harm with brief flashbacks in any sequels to this film either, so long as bad retconning is avoided.

* Focus on the activities of Batman and Bruce Wayne. Not the GCPD and the supporting cast.
The BM/BW actor should be in the far vast majority of shots in the film, interacting with the supporting cast. It should be scripted accordingly.

* No multiple love interests.
One movie only has so much time to establish one in a great way, let alone more than that.

* Take a break from the terrorists.
We just had a string of films dealing with post-9/11 angst and it's time to move beyond that. I appreciate that it gave us some cool villains but to carve its own path and really be a reboot it's time for a new theme.

Continuing my thoughts/wish list principles:

* The Nolan brothers and David Goyer should have nothing to do with the movie.
They had their chances, to diminishing returns. Not interested in them returning in any kind of a production role.

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