The Dark Knight Batman & Joker Promo Shots 2.0


the jooker is badass.
this is the first time that i like the big red painted mouth.
Hold the ****ing phone!!!

The Batsuit looks amazing, as does the Joker!!!
Those are sooooooooooooooo fake

:oldrazz: seriously though, nice find *right click, save"- before the ninjas take them down
i don't know who you are but i love you so

also, props to AICN for finally reporting something TDK related
Joker: "Wanna play cards?" :D :joker:

these great pics :up:
Christ. Those are amazing! Batman looks pissed, and Joker looks like he's having the time of his life!!! hahaha these are great.
did anyone say poster?
teh scars are 100% the same as they were in thefirst official pic
These are awesome! I bet they end up being posters for the product tie-in campain. I'll be buying all of them if that is the case.
srsly...screw the viral campaign.

we've gotten so much over the last week for absolutely nothing that pretty much anything joker could crank out short of a trailer is meaningless.
Joker holding play cards would make great poster.
OOUUHH Yeah............New avvy!!!!!!!
These are awesome! I bet they end up being posters for the product tie-in campain. I'll be buying all of them if that is the case.
those are not posters. every movie has photo shoots of the characters for magazines,.....
some of them are used in the posters but not all of them.
Fecking awesome :batman: :up:
B-A-D-A-S-S! Batman's suit is sooooo cool! and the Joker's look...Goddd can't breath!
For some reason the poses bother me. I know they're promo pics, but I'm a little disappointed...they look kind of silly.

With that being said, I really do like the overall look of Heath. It's all come together nicely. Batman's costume looks way to busy, but it looks like it does the job.

Up until now we've seen on-set pics, production stills, and stuff from the viral marketing campaign. Everything has seemed so dark and this is the exact opposite. It will take me a minute to digest, but you know I'm going to eat this sh#t up. :yay:
For some reason the poses bother me. I know they're promo pics, but I'm a little disappointed...they look kind of silly.

With that being said, I really do like the overall look of Heath. It's all come together nicely. Batman's costume looks way to busy, but it looks like it does the job.

Up until now we've seen on-set pics, production stills, and stuff from the viral marketing campaign. Everything has seemed so dark and this is the exact opposite. It will take me a minute to digest, but you know I'm going to eat this sh#t up. :yay:

I think a large part of it is that its against a white background which doesn't lend itself well to the tone you'd want to convey. Imagine them with the proper backgrounds and they kick ass.
Hang on a minute...

i think i have something in my eye *sniff,sniff* :heart:

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