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BvS Batman or Superman: Which do you prefer?

Never understood the popularity of Superman. I feel like he's so irrelevant and obsolete, I don't know... Batman is such an ultimate formula. Nothing can beat it.

The producers are working on solving this. Even if they have to fight off the legions to do so.

I vote batman but none that I have seen on screen as of yet. Based on everything that's been on screen, it would be superman.
Never understood the popularity of Superman. I feel like he's so irrelevant and obsolete, I don't know... Batman is such an ultimate formula. Nothing can beat it.

What makes him irrelevant and obsolete?
I would say Wonder Woman is the perfect balance. Superman is light, Batman is dark, Wonder Woman is the balance.

I always think she's the most mature of the big three. She has tact where Batman lacks, and emotional heaviness that Superman occasionally lacks.
Try to answer the question accordingly folks, before a mod comes in with
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1) Batman stories often put a much larger emphasis on the Batman's intelligence than Superman stories do on Superman's.
I'm with you on that point, that is one thing annoying about the way Superman is often presented, his brawn use overshadow his brain use
I feel like Superman is a more emotional (i.e. "You will give the people an ideal to strive towards.") and (because of his superpowers) physical character than Batman, which is why a lot of his stories are allegedly less intelligent (though perhaps no less thought provoking). It probably depends on the comic.
I feel like Superman is a more emotional (i.e. "You will give the people an ideal to strive towards.") and (because of his superpowers) physical character than Batman, which is why a lot of his stories are allegedly less intelligent (though perhaps no less thought provoking). It probably depends on the comic.

I disagree...Batman's stories are just as emotional and physical as Superman's. Year One, Death in the family, Death of the family, The Long Halloween, The Killing Joke, Court of Owls, TDK/TDKR, Mask of the Phantasm, and so many more. Are those stories not emotional? Batman has been put through the emotional ringer far more than Superman, imo.

And physically? Why does Superman's power make him any more physical than Batman? His training as a ninja, his working from the shadows and becoming an entity of fear, and his vulnerability make Batman much, much more interesting than the rather vanilla Superman.

To be honest, I don't think there is anything about Superman or his stories that Batman doesn't do better. (and more interestingly)
I feel like Superman's more inspiration. Batman really is rarely seen to the public. Most people think he doesn't exist or is some creature or isn't human.

We see Superman out there. Batman may be human and that's a plus but he had endless money to train and get tech.

I would actually say Spidey is the best out of the 3 because he has the best charactisics of both worlds.

He's human like Batman but lets himself been seen.
He can develop tech like Batman but doesn't have the Daddy Warbucks.
He has the same motive as Batman with Uncle Ben's death and the Wayne's death.
He is inspirational like Superman.
Plus Spidey got bite by a spider completely randomly. It could have happened to anyone.
Batman has always been my favorite comic book character, but I like both.
I disagree...Batman's stories are just as emotional and physical as Superman's.

I wasn't trying to imply that Batman's stories were devoid of genuine emotion or spectacle. What I was trying to say was that Superman, as the more blatantly inspirational of the two, likely has more stories that focus on the positive impact he has on others because of his character. Those stories, I think, would aim to be more emotionally resonant/satisfying than intellectually stimulating (though they could easily be both).

As for him being more physical...well, he's Superman. What's the point of giving him such a remarkably physical presence if you aren't going to put it to good use? Superman and spectacle go hand-in-hand. That isn't always a good thing.

And physically? Why does Superman's power make him any more physical than Batman?

See above.

Really, it's less about who is more physical and more about the balance that exists (or, perhaps, doesn't exist) between the intellectual/intimate moments and the more action-y ones in their respective comics.

EDIT: I think this is a good time to point out that I don't really read comics and am going off of what I often hear. I'm mostly familiar with these characters through the films and cartoons.

His training as a ninja, his working from the shadows and becoming an entity of fear, and his vulnerability make Batman much, much more interesting than the rather vanilla Superman.

Hardly. But you're entitled to your opinion.

I feel like Superman's more inspiration.

I agree. That's what I was getting at.

I would actually say Spidey is the best out of the 3 because he has the best charactisics of both worlds.

Perhaps. I wouldn't know. I'm not really a Spider-Man fan. I liked half his movies, but I was never able to get invested in him as a character in general.
You had to make me pick didn't you.

I picked Batman because he is the first superhero I ever gravitated towards and will always be my favorite.

I love that he is just a guy and uses the Bat as a way to fight crime.

His rogues gallery is also a huge factor, they make him, him.
I prefer Batman. There are many reasons for that, but they all boil down to the following main points.

1) Batman stories often put a much larger emphasis on the Batman's intelligence than Superman stories do on Superman's.

With Batman, his greatest strength after his indomitable will is his mind. More specifically his detective/tactical skills and clever ways through which he gets out of situations, both in Gotham and in JL adventures. It's not that Superman is an idiot, but a lot of writers seem to put more emphasis on his brawn than brains even when the brains are there.

Underneath it all both Batman and Superman possess the same qualities. They're both indomitable, they're both unbreakable, and they're both unshakeable even in the face of darkest despair. Batman's solution to a problem usually require more wit and more strategy but seeing Superman physically overcome the most impossible of challenges inspires you on a completely different level. Everyone at one point or another knows what it feels like to have to move a mountain. We all know what it's like to have the weight on our shoulders. Superman symbolizes that.

For every physically overpowered character, Marvel has like 2 or 3 mentally overpowered characters. We live in a society where a person's mind is considered first-and-foremost as their greatest strength. Being a great detective or great scientist is the new "he's faster than a speeding bullet".

The first thing that drew me to Superman when I was 3 years old wasn't his wit or his cunning it was the awe and wonder you felt from watching a man who was more powerful than a locomotive and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound.

Being a great detective or a great scientist is cool and all but Superman inspires kids to strive for more, to do the impossible, and take to the skies.
If I had to describe the characters in only a sentence each: Superman is the chill uncle who passes you sweets when your parents aren't looking. Batman is the cool uncle who let's you drive his race car the day after you get your permit.
I like both equally. I got into comics and superheroes through Batman and Superman through Batman by extension. He was my favorite character as a kid, he and Superman, I've always liked them about equally, perhaps with Batman in the lead somewhat as a child because I thought I could maybe be him, but I loved Superman, too. Nowadays though I really like both equally for sure, when I get tired of the one, I take a break and go to the other, it really depends on my mood sometimes as well, and I prefer both when they're done in their ultimate form, not some watered down interpretation done by a filmmaker or writer.

However if I have to choose between one or the other with this poll, I will probably say Superman. Why? Because I feel like he too is such a great character and needs to be out there more but has been getting the shaft lately. And as much as I love Batman, there's been somewhat of an oversaturation of Batman stuff akin to Wolverine but probably moreso (where much of it's not even good) in recent years, and it's made the other characters practically invisible. I have kind of a knee jerk aversion to that type of overesaturation (dare I say "mainstreamness", follow-the-crowd-cuz-it's-what's-popular type shallow BS), always have, and it tends to make me root for the underdog more, and do everything in my power to get that guy up there. I love Batman but he's got too much. And a lot of his fans are *****, unfortunately, and buy too much into the oversaturation. I prefer the Superman fans of the two fan bases 7 out of 10. Then there's the constant misportrayals of Superman as a putz or Jesus tool, which to me, frankly, does nothing for his character and irritates me and makes me wish there were more better interpretations of him, at least as many as Batman has. They may at least get one right. Anyway I wish the fame were distributed more evenly, which is why my vote goes in Superman's favor. Seriously, when's the last Superman cartoon we've had? Decent one? (Well I guess there haven't been too many decent Batman ones in recent years, either, but at least he's had them). We had to wait 7 years since SR for a new Superman movie, and we'll probably never see a Superman trilogy now. Not for a longtime at least if at all. So my vote goes to Superman. He needs and deserves to be treated better.

And **** that collar and utility belt new 52 suit! I wish they'd give him his old cape/neckline back, a yellow oval on his red belt, make it non utility looking, get rid of the extended pointy sleeves, and give him his old "M" cut boots back. That new abomination of a suit also is a slight against the character I feel. So Superman all the way. He needs and deserves it and we need the REAL Superman now. Audiences are hungry and want that guy but don't know it yet.
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This ain't going to end well. This will end in a landslide for Batman.

But I say lets have some balls and not add BOTH and neither as options.

Lets face the reality of the popularity of both the characters.


And Spider-Man. :p
I'm not sure if I can choose between the two.

When I was a kid, I remember liking Batman better because, my young mind figured, there was a possibility that I could grow up to be Batman. All I had to do was get super rich, design a lot of gadgets, get a cool car and underground residence, and then go fight crime. Granted, I never considered the "my parents get shot" part, but still! It was more possible than gaining super powers and becoming Superman.

However, as I got older, I found that I began to appreciate the character of Superman more and more. I mean, here is a guy who has tons of power but chooses to use it for good instead of evil. He really is a good example of how to treat your fellow human being. I guess, as an adult, I appreciate it more.

I can't decide so I won't vote. Can someone put a "both" option in the poll?
I actually love them both but... wait for it.... I find Superman more relatable.

I'm a small town guy who was adopted and raised with kind of old school morals who moved to Washington DC area as a young adult so I relate to Clark much more.

I've always liked the epic heroic characters also and the good guys. I read all the Doc Savage novels as a kid etc.

I think together the whole can be better than the parts also. Their interactions together can be true magic.
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2) Batman is an extraordinary character in a ordinary world; Superman is an extraordinary character in an extraordinary world.

People often say they like Batman because he's realistic. I don't think he is, but I do think he fights the most realistic causes out of all the heroes, and it's all due to Gotham City. I always said that Gotham has become the world, or at least the way we see the world. If you think about it, all the issues we hear people complain about on a daily basis - crime, police brutality, corruption within the justice system, corruptions within corporations and the upper class, urban decay, environmental issues, terrorism - ALL of those problem exist in Gotham. Even in the case of a less realistic and more stylized portrayal of the city, those fundamental issues are still there. It's arguably the best location in all of comics for social commentary, and why Batman lends himself to social commentary so much. Whereas Superman's world (mainly presented through Metropolis) is almost-by-nature less realistic. There's still a lot of social commentary there (i.e. Luthor), but things like alien invasions aren't as fascinating to me in comparison.

I've always seen both as being extraordinary characters in an ordinary world. Batman's villains are just as extraordinary as Superman's. I always find the best stories though are usually the ones that act as though they're in the real world so to speak, like Superman and Batman both were in the '30s and '40s, really allows us to see the awesomeness of the characters that way since we have some foot in their world, or rather, they're in ours. And I don't mean dulling Superman and Batman down a la Nolan for our world when I say that "real world" stuff, I mean allowing them to exist, by contrast, in all their awesomeness, in our world. That's what makes them so great and entertaining and wish-fulfilling and fun and inspiring and original and unordinary. That's their appeal to me.
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I prefer Batman. There are many reasons for that, but they all boil down to the following main points.

1) Batman stories often put a much larger emphasis on the Batman's intelligence than Superman stories do on Superman's.

With Batman, his greatest strength after his indomitable will is his mind. More specifically his detective/tactical skills and clever ways through which he gets out of situations, both in Gotham and in JL adventures. It's not that Superman is an idiot, but a lot of writers seem to put more emphasis on his brawn than brains even when the brains are there. Heck, a huge theme in the Superman/Lex dynamic is the human mind being capable of keeping up with the physical powers of a god. The intelligence aspect in Batman is far better represented and emphasized IMO, and that's why I lean towards Batman more. Honestly, I think that's the #1 reason DC has such a hard time compared to Marvel. For every physically overpowered character, Marvel has like 2 or 3 mentally overpowered characters. We live in a society where a person's mind is considered first-and-foremost as their greatest strength. Being a great detective or great scientist is the new "he's faster than a speeding bullet".

2) Batman is an extraordinary character in a ordinary world; Superman is an extraordinary character in an extraordinary world.

People often say they like Batman because he's realistic. I don't think he is, but I do think he fights the most realistic causes out of all the heroes, and it's all due to Gotham City. I always said that Gotham has become the world, or at least the way we see the world. If you think about it, all the issues we hear people complain about on a daily basis - crime, police brutality, corruption within the justice system, corruptions within corporations and the upper class, urban decay, environmental issues, terrorism - ALL of those problem exist in Gotham. Even in the case of a less realistic and more stylized portrayal of the city, those fundamental issues are still there. It's arguably the best location in all of comics for social commentary, and why Batman lends himself to social commentary so much. Whereas Superman's world (mainly presented through Metropolis) is almost-by-nature less realistic. There's still a lot of social commentary there (i.e. Luthor), but things like alien invasions aren't as fascinating to me in comparison.

3) Of all the superheroes, I think Batman is the most balanced one. He has found the perfect balance between lightness and darkness.

People often say the opposite of Superman is Batman. I don't agree with that. The polar opposite would be the Punisher IMO, whereas Batman is right in between. Batman is the hero who learned to strike fear and terror in the hearts of criminals the same way Punisher does while still keeping the compassion and heart of Superman intact. That's the thing I think a lot of people overlook regarding Batman - including writers - is that despite all that darkness on the exterior, he really has a heart. To quote Amanda Waller, "there is no one who cares as much for his fellow man as Bruce Wayne". When Superman makes his speeches to the superhero community over the importance of not taking a life, I always feel Batman is the one who understands what he means the most. That's why they're such good friends (yes, they're friends, despite what the e-wars would have you believe). They have different methods, but share the exact same morals and values. Superman also has that heart and compassion there, but he doesn't strike fear in people the same way Batman does (and I don't expect him to since he shouldn't be dark; don't jump at me Superman fans).

Brilliant post! Especially the last point.
First, big ups the OP, this is a legit topic, especially for hardcore DC fans (and anyone else, I guess) Probably what will always make DC stand out from Marvel is these two characters who represent so many of the different facets of the super-hero genre.
The only character that really comes close in the Marvel world is Spider-Man. But then saying that I'm a DC fan, so very biased there.

Also, this topic is deeply complicated as Batman and Superman have so many different interpretations, who's to say who is the definitive Superman (was it Reeve, Byrne's Man of Steel, the Silver Age ?) or Batman ( Miller's Dark Knight, Bale's Batman, Snyder's, O'Neill's ).

Having said all that, I can't resist having a go.
This is a tough one, and of course, just IMO.

Who would I rather be ? If I had to choose one, I'd say Superman. Sure it's a huge responsibility, and it would make one very weary, but at the end of the day Superman has the power to actually make changes in a big way, to really make a difference (sometimes that goes wrong, I met Tom Taylor when he was down here last week, and "evil" Superman is something we talked about).
Plus, at the end of a long day of saving the world, Superman can fly off into the sunset and pull himself up out of the craziness, and stand on a mountaintop.

And flying....well, who wouldn't want to be able to fly ? That's one moment I think a lot of people overlooked in Man of Steel, that the first time we hear Clark/Kal laugh is when he's learning to fly - whether Snyder intended it or not, I think he hit on possibly the greatest thing about being Superman....being able to fly.

Batman, well he's doing the best he can, but there are certainly arguments that he's as much a part of the problem, as he is the solution
(if anything that came out in the Nolan films). You have to give him full marks for trying, but if he really wanted to make a difference in Gotham city he'd use his vast wealth to reduce unemployment, set up drug treatment facilities, and improve social services (all of which would drastically reduce crime).

Plus, Batman is about buried rage, self-righteousness and revenge. He's not a particularly balanced or happy person. This of course makes him more relatable, because he's human, and there are many many unhappy, obsessive and unbalanced humans (well that's my experience so far anyway).

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Batman, he's sheer awesomeness, but if I had the opportunity to be one of those characters, or hang out with one of them, it would be Superman.

I think what makes Superman a slightly more appealling character, is not just that he's got immense power, but what he does with that immense power - that's what makes him Super. He doesn't do what most people with power do, which is take advantage of it and subjugate and abuse those beneath him. Instead, he uses that power, selflessly to help others.

What would Batman do if he had Superman's power ? Who knows.

Regardless, these two iconic characters are the yardstick by which all other superheroes are measured. IMO Spidey comes close, but not quite.

Again this is all IMO. :super:
SUPERMAN all the way. I've been obsessed with Superman since about 4 years old. I also do love Batman and did back then but never in the way I did Superman.

I get why people think Batman is a more interesting character but I love the other-worldliness about Superman, mixed with the human elements of his character. I love his superpowers, insane strength, flight, everything. I don't want a guy dressed up in a costume, I want a GOD! Supes is more inspiring to me, more iconic, more exciting.

I love Batman too though, always have. And Wonder Woman, Catwoman and Spiderman, but none of the other characters, DC or Marvel, really did or does anything for me!
Well, I see there's no "both" option, so I assume the idea is that people are supposed to choose. I'm going to be a rebel and choose both anyways. I was a batfan first and became a superfan after actually looking into him further. I don't like arguing about such things because there's really no correct answers.

Anyways, even though I didn't do what the thread asked, I'll give my reasons for liking both:


I find that batman is most accurately defined by a quote from TDK: "So we'll hunt him. Because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian. A watchful protector. A Dark Knight."

What I love about batman is that, at first glance, he doesn't even look like a hero. He's not wearing bright colors and he's not smiling. Quite often he's gruff and unapproachable. If one had to guess if he was good or bad simply by a look and had no prior knowledge of him, I wouldn't be surprised if they guessed he was a villain. But his tireless battle against crime makes him as heroic as any other hero. He walks a thin line everyday between light and dark.

Yes, the trauma he suffered long ago make him an unpleasant and sometimes unforgiving sort, but every time he hammers those criminals to the brink, he's thinking of the man that caused him pain long ago and more importantly...he's thinking about how he can stop others from becoming like him. Instead of those bad men meeting other mothers and fathers on a dark street, they meet him and learn what it's like to be afraid.

I find it odd when people say he's not relatable sometimes. I can see the point that batman is no more relatable than superman (and I agree with that), but batman is relatable. How many people, real people, have had a tragedy in their lives that they thought would end them? How many people want to strike out at the world because of it? I'm betting there are a few. Of these people, do any of them become something terrible? Do they lash out in violent ways and hurt/kill others? I reckon some do.

That's the beauty of batman. He could easily have become something terrible that we see on the news every day. He could easily have justified going as far as he'd like and become what people might see on first glance. But he never descends that way. His control is so precise that he can battle people until dawn without causing any more harm that way was intended. It's beautiful really. Batman's pain manifests into an unstoppable creature designed to terrify a select few whilst leaving the innocents untouched on a side walk. He started out as a child on that same sidewalk and his life will likely end there as he never gives up the fight. And for all that he does, he's often not even seen through the darkness for the hero that he is. But a protector that's shrouded in darkness is still standing between us and suffering in the same way as the one everyone sees and takes photos with.


I find that he is most accurately represented by this quote (which happens to be my signature): "Somewhere in our darkest night, we made up the story of a man who will never let us down…" - Grant Morrison.

What I love about superman is that he is exactly as he appears. He's bright, he smiles, he cooperates with human beings and even tries to be polite. There's not much artifice there. He's just a big, friendly, Kansas-raised alien that wants to help. He's the most powerful being on this planet and probably a few other planets and yet he has no idea what true power really feels like. He's spent his entire existence on our level, rather than sitting up on a mountain top gazing down on all that he could own. Instead, he looks at us as with admiration and awe.

He has a blue-collar job where people often overlook him, he works a farm, he helps his ma, he's never had any money. Why would he do that? Why would a god-like creature ever want to do that? Because he loves us that much and simply wants to be near us. Just like the quote, he's always there. Or rather, he tries to be. Even superman can't do everything, but he sure does try. And it's not just about him being there physically either. No matter how we act, how we appear to be lost, he always believes we'll find our way back to goodness. The love of his parents instilled within him an unchanging belief that humans beings are good and worth fighting for. We will never disappoint or disillusion superman no matter how far we fall.

Anyways, I know this movie is called Batman v Superman, but I hope to walk out of it thinking each is great in their own way.
In terms of the brand itself? Batman. No comic book character has entertained so consistently in terms of hollywood movies, television shows, comic books, graphic novels, video games, animation, heck even music. You won't have far to look to find something GOOD about Batman and it's pretty doubtful you'll have long to wait for more good stuff to come.

The characters though? Batman all the way still. I'm sorry I just don't find Clark Kent/Superman all that relatable, i find him outdated in many ways, and i feel his character and morals are far more forced and spoon fed rather than the more natural altruism that Batman displays. Superman is inspirational, he has good character and he's pure....so is Batman. Tons of people on here always maintain that Superman could beat Batman with a flick, and I always say...you are absolutely right. So how does that make him remotely a better character? How could you root for that? Not only do i prefer Batman to Superman, I don't really understand the mindset that roots for Superman over Batman, he is probably my least favourite JL member, it's why I'd rather he be used as a plot device or a tool in the JL, he's the poster boy sure, but I'd hate for him to be the heart and centerpiece of any JL story, to me it's a waste.

BTW: It's not my intention to upset any Superman fans. Batman means a lot to me, and I'd might get a little upset if someone dismissed a character I know to be an important figure in my life, so I cringe a little if i did that to someone who feels the same about Superman. I'm just trying to start a dialogue so I could better understand the mindset of Superman fans, I'm just being honest.
Batman has been handled better as a property. However, I find when done correctly and even just looking at the basis of backstory and such... Superman is actually more interesting and complex. Nothing in comic book industry for me will probably ever compare to Death of Superman saga for example.
I think i go through phases where i like one character a little more at the moment. I absolutely love both characters. Although i remember being a Superman fan first. Superman was the first hero i knew. Im a gemini though my bday was yesterday.
What would Batman do if he had Superman's power ? Who knows.

Regardless, these two iconic characters are the yardstick by which all other superheroes are measured. IMO Spidey comes close, but not quite.

I truly believe that batman would do the same as superman if he had those powers. As it is, batman has the power to be either a great or terrible man. With his wealth and knowledge, he could easily cause devastation as he is. He could easily be Lex Luthor. But he's not. He chose to be great and I believe he would still do that if he was endowed with superman's powers.

And yes, superman and batman are the greatest, IMO.

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