

The Last Laugh


I was sitting around bored last night and I remembered this poster of glory. Chuck E' Cheese's used to have a bunch of parody posters along their walls that featured their cast of characters starring in famous movies. This is the only picture I could find. I would kill to have this thing. I remember looking up at it in amazement just because it featured Batman in any sort of way.
Ya I remember that, it was great I loved it as a kid. Chuck E' Cheese's was great back in the day. Great find
I cant believe im the only one who posted on this BATMUNCH is the man!
Holy Crap. I remember that.

Haven't seen that in a long long time.
I have a batmunch poster if you are interested in purchasing it. I also have many other Chuck E Cheese posters for sale.
i went in that place recently and was appalled...they had gotten rid of the concert stage and the scary gorilla behind the drums and everything! it was sickening! (not to mention when they changed the name from showbiz pizza to chuck e cheese, blah!)
i remember that as well i also remember my days at chuck E chesse...what am i talking about i still go to Chuck E Chesse
Ha Ha, wow, that's pretty cool. I have never seen that before. The picture is kinda small, what is he? a duck?
I can't go to the Chuck E Cheese by me cause there's gang fights and **** there every day. I went to the one out in Orland Park a couple years ago though and it was okay. But yeah, it used to rock back in the day.

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