I just got this one:
ToDAy iT bEgINs
HiStORy sHall bE mAdE
EViL is mEReLy An eAsY tITle to eXPlaIn wHat lESseR bEinGs caNnOT uNDerStaNd
ReAd tHe stORy of iCarUs. All yOu nEEd to kNOw CaN bE foUNd TheRe.
EScaPe iS iMpOSSsibLe. pRay FOr dEatH.
InSAniTy cAn bE a blEssiNg. EmBracE iT if yoU cAn.
SoMe tHInK tHeY cAn FLy hIgh, tOuCh tHe sTArs. wE WiLL maKe tHeM hUmBle.
MeN iN mASks hAVe sOmEthiNg tO hiDe.
OrDer. LOgiC. hArMonY. ABsoLuTe geNocIdE iS tHe oNLy waY.
RoMe buRNed To tHe gRouNd. aNy CitY cAn be wiPEd oUt.
ExeCuTEd crIMinAls WeRe oNce sTRunG uP fOr tHe wHOle tOWn to sEE. A bOLd stAteMEnt.
TrAItoRs aRe in yORr mIdSt. bE aWAre.
HeLL iS a sTAte of mINd.
AllIANcEs cAn bE bROkEn.
NeW oNes cAn Be mAde.
OrIGinAl sYn giVEs biRTh tO oUr cAUse
NeRO pLAyed hIs lyre aNd sAng aS he wATchEd hIs cITy bUrn
EvERythiNg haPPenS fOr a rEAson. EvEryTHing iS coNNeCted. EVERYTHING!
We aRe wATChiNg. wE aRe waITIng.
ExiLEd kINgs mUst chOOse dEaTh in sHAme aNd soliTUDe
.or crUeL, ViolEnt rEVEngE.
ASk nOThiNg. TaKe eveRYthIng.
ReMeMBer wHAt haPPeNs whEn yOU fLy tOo cLOse to tHE sUn.
EvENts of tHe paSt aRe NoT fORgoTTen. HiStOry caN aNd wiLL rEPeaT itsELf.
All yoUr loVEd oNes aRe mARkEd fOr dEAth.
MoNSteRs do eXist. yOu sEE thEm eVEry dAy. You jUSt dOnt kNOw it.
OuTSiDe, tHe sKiEs aRe aLrEady cHAngiNg. LOOk for yOuRrsElf.
NoNe of yOu aPPreciAte wHAt yOu HAve
uNtil iT is taKEn fROm yOu.
GrEEk mYth sPeaKs of TitAns faLLinG to GoDs. ChANge is iNEvitaBle, aNd oFTen viOleNt.
YOu wiLL all pAy tHe pRIce fOr yOUr coMplAcenCy
Our tImE hAs coMe. PROJECT: ICARUS HAs bUgun.
UnDer tHe sURfaCe, bEtwEEn tHe lINes, tHe tRUth awAIts yOu.
Looks like we have a Riddler on our hands...