Age of Extinction Beast Wars?

Darth Rockwell

Avengers Assemble
May 5, 2004
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Just a thought but would anyone want to see a Beast Wars based movie? I mean it was and is one of the most profitable lines transformers has had recently and the stories were great. Japan had two more series and an antimated movie so how about a movie in the U.s.?
I for one would love to see it but hasbro has moved on no looking back now.Its been what 9 yeras sense its been on tv so hasbro would see no money in it.
Hasbro re-released a bunch of the Beast Wars/Beast Machine Toys in their recent run of "Universe".
Yeah then they would make a universe movie not a beast wars movie.Its the universe line not beast wars
The Beast Wars did okay with the graphics they had with Mainframe. I dont see how the cgi could do any better. I mean I can see the cgi of today being used for g1 but not for the beast wars. They would end up ****in it up and pissin all of us off.
see they could make it at the end of the series and make a better movie and story then Beast Machines I'm sure. Besides there were all those pods left in orbit.
From IDW they will be starting a new mini series on beast wars sometime early next year.And if it sells well they will be makeing a lot of mini series for beast wars.
Awsome I didn't know about this. I thought that the company that had the comic went banckrupt?
dreamwave did but hasbro gave the comic book rights to IDW.
awsome, it's good to know that they are still moving ahead with the Beast Wars comic :D thanks for the info
As much as I loved Beast Wars, I personally don't feel that it needs a live action movie the show was originally done in cgi format anyway. Plus it was a great story, if they was going to bring back beast wars I would rather see it as a direct sequal to the original series and bring back the original writers. And say that Beast Machines never happed.
I grew up with beast wars but i agree with 1987 . It had its charm in the way it was made and when it was made . If it was done now it would be over done and over cgi'ed to death. Imagine transformer mr tinkles (cats & dogs)


suddenly morphing into cheetor's robot be freaky. cgi cartoon...again it had its time and place.

I loved beast wars and beast machines it had an amazing story and characters.
If Transformers the movie in 07, is a smach hit then I would love to see Beast Wars movie .
I will say it now get used to the Beast Wars comic cause thats all we are gona see from now till kingdom come.
The Tv show of Beast was amazing... it was so rooted in the old show and had so many great references. I should just get the bastard on DVD instead of worrying about them making a movie.
Can't really but it now its been discontinued but I'm there a few left.
Darth Rockwell said:
Just a thought but would anyone want to see a Beast Wars based movie? I mean it was and is one of the most profitable lines transformers has had recently and the stories were great. Japan had two more series and an antimated movie so how about a movie in the U.s.?

Well considering that Beast Wars is a story about transforming plants and animals that throw fecal matter, probably not. :down
hex said:
Well considering that Beast Wars is a story about transforming plants and animals that throw fecal matter, probably not. :down
Beast Wars was a well written show that had repect for what came before. Now Beast Machines is the show you are talking about do not lump them together.
1987olds442 said:
Beast Wars was a well written show that had repect for what came before. Now Beast Machines is the show you are talking about do not lump them together.

Alright, alright, I concede. BeastWars was a well written show that DID have respect for the original. I just hate that surfing ape transmetal thingie. I mean surfing ape?! :confused:
Abaddon said:
I liked Beast Machines.:(

I understand it looked cool, and had cool over sized toys, but u must understand it's not Transformers period.
I thought the story was interesting.
yeah if you ignore the fact that Transformers are MACHINES! the title of the show was beast MACHINES!!! HELLLOOOO!!! lol. =P

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