Bendis interviews Stan

That was a great interview. I like Stan's sense of humor.
This par was funny.

Bendis: I did call my mom and ask if I had permission to have you adopt me.

Lee: [Laughs] Well, maybe we can consider it if you don’t eat too much.
Oh okay yoda, so I show you an interview like 3 days ago and now you post it here and increase your adoration, while I, never adored and with no cred on the marvel forums, stay in my current position as "Occasional Marvel Comics Forum Ass". Thanks:rolleyes:


I hate you so much yoda.
Not Jake said:
Oh okay yoda, so I show you an interview like 3 days ago and now you post it here and increase your adoration, while I, never adored and with no cred on the marvel forums, stay in my current position as "Occasional Marvel Comics Forum Ass". Thanks:rolleyes:


I hate you so much yoda.
You had three days to post it here, jerkass. But I have no adoration in these forums because I love Bendis and you know it. :( This thread will just make me be more hated because it proves that Stan actually likes and admires Bendis' work which goes against what the rabid fanboys here would like everyone to believe. :(
I guess Bendis is interviewing Whedon next week. If there's any justice Whedon will admit that wishes he had half the talent of Bendis. :)
more like...vice versa!!!!:mad:

you're old and lonely.:(
Seriously though Bendis is going to be lavishing praise on Whedon like you won't believe, and after these last couple years whining to you that you should watch Buffy, it is going to make me want to blow my own brains out that Bendis praising it is what's gonna make you pick up the DVDs.:(
Don't worry, there's nothing that will ever make me pick up those dvds. :)
This article doesn't really prove that Stan likes Bendis. Stan Lee never criticizes anyone, and he certainly wouldn't start with this interview. It was an interesting read, though.
Did you read the interview at all?:rolleyes: Stan emailed Bendis out of the blue saying he wished Bendis was around in the 60s so they could have worked together. But I guess that doesn't prove Stan likes Bendis:rolleyes:
Of course I read the article. I wouldn't have made that statement if I didn't read it. I think Stan probably likes Bendis and has heard good things about him, but I doubt he has read much (or any) of his work.
Wait...if people talk...if people talk like how Bendis writes them, then how come--why is it he doesn't talk like how he writes people talking? I mean, he's talking all normal and...and stuff.

That's not normal conversation. It's a self-contained media environment, and has relatively strict guidelines as to the flow and pacing. Granted it's a little more formal than a normal interview, but nonetheless it's not people talking while they walk down the street.
It certainly sounds less formal to me. He sounds like one of us...

"...but you SAVED THE WORLD!!! I would have slit my wrists if not for Amazing Fantasy #15. You're so beautiful! Can I kiss your glasses?"
ZoMG Bendis duzn't talk teh way his characters duz!!!1!1

Heaven forbid comic book characters have a little character to make them interesting.
well it seems this thread is turning ugly in true thread with Bendis in the title fashion
Stan the Man said:
I think that I’ve been to more colleges than any human being as a lecturer. In America, in Canada, in England – all over. I began to see that little by little when we would have the question-and-answer periods at some of the colleges a student would get up and say, “Can you explain the relationship between Thor and the Silver Surfer in regards to the Judeo Christian concept of morality?”

That made me laugh out loud, because when I read things here, I sometimes think that people take these too seriously at times. I can imagine Stan standing at the podium thinking " I just thought they had cool powers."
Cool interview, in all honesty.

Though I think some fans are gonna be in denial, considering that Stan seems to respect Bendis' work.
SpideyInATree said:
Cool interview, in all honesty.

Though I think some fans are gonna be in denial, considering that Stan seems to respect Bendis' work.

It sucks too because it seems Marvel and gang dont really appreciate his.
Hahaha, nice spin there, Phere. :D
iloveclones said:
That made me laugh out loud, because when I read things here, I sometimes think that people take these too seriously at times. I can imagine Stan standing at the podium thinking " I just thought they had cool powers."
It is pretty funny, but it's not really too different from any other creative medium. I've seen creators of TV shows and writers of books who are dumbfounded at the level of depth some readers will get out of their works. It always reminds me of something an art teacher told me in college: the creator's intent is only part of the piece's content. :)
Nice interview. Stan's so awesome. I can't wait for these one-shots. I might have to pick up the trade/HC, too.
SpideyInATree said:
Cool interview, in all honesty.

Though I think some fans are gonna be in denial, considering that Stan seems to respect Bendis' work.

Heh, not even Stan's respect can stem the flow of Bendis hate. Hell, if he brought back all their precious characters, reversed arcs, and answered and acted on these 'wise' comic suggestions they'd still find a reason to cry.

Although Darth and Doc Destruction's tears are particularly tasty.:)

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