Bendis interviews Stan

Genesis 1.0 said:
Heh, not even Stan's respect can stem the flow of Bendis hate. Hell, if he brought back all their precious characters, reversed arcs, and answered and acted on these 'wise' comic suggestions they'd still find a reason to cry.

Although Darth and Doc Destruction's tears are particularly tasty.:)

Big difference between crying and throwing up in my own mouth.
Genesis 1.0 said:
Although Darth and Doc Destruction's tears are particularly tasty.:)

Those werent tears.:o

Yeah Stan Lee is going to tell Bendis, thansk for ****ing up my characters.:rolleyes:
Doc Destruction said:
Big difference between crying and throwing up in my own mouth.


I was going to fire back but you take this round, Sir.

I also enjoyed Ditko's reaction. Talk about the opposite of flaunting ego. Wow.
I think Stan's a renaissance man of our time and while his opinons aren't automatically the best thing since sliced bread the fact that he too seems to like Brian says alot to me personally. I've been a Bendis fan a long time and to see the top man of his time and one of the top guys in the business now is just too cool.
Genesis 1.0 said:
I think Stan's a renaissance man of our time and while his opinons aren't automatically the best thing since sliced bread the fact that he too seems to like Brian says alot to me personally. I've been a Bendis fan a long time and to see the top man of his time and one of the top guys in the business now is just too cool.

Stan also said he though Fantastic Four was a great movie and really captured his characters.
Now, bear in mind that Stan lavishes praise over everyone he talks to. I have NEVER heard the man rip on anyone. Ever. So I would take that with a grain of salt.
Darthphere said:
Stan also said he though Fantastic Four was a great movie and really captured his characters.

Thus my disclaimer about some of the things Stan says, heh.

Doc: Very true, he's a nice guy and
a class act, something that further deepens my regard for him outside his work. However, how many of these guys has he taken time out to contact, to email and send his praise? This isn't something that someone comes and asks him to sit in on, this is Stan reaching out to a 'new school guy' and saying he wishes he was around when he was. Big diff.
I thought the best part of the interview was Bendis telling about his phone call at the very beginning. From there, it was just a bunch of buttkissing. Very dull, and the questions didn't interest me in the least. I'd rather hear questions about the characters and storylines through the years....what Stan thinks worked, what didn't. I would like to know about how Stan felt about his stint at DC. Loads of other stuff...just not the four pages of boring that they did go over. If I wanted buttkissing, I'd just watch Oprah when she had on John Travolta, Halie Berry, or Tom Cruise.
Darthphere said:
Stan also said he though Fantastic Four was a great movie and really captured his characters.

Better than that, he wrote a Stan's Soapbox saying how great the Punisher movie was. The first one. With Dolph Lundgren. :eek:

Stan's a standup guy who goes by the old saying of "If you don't have anything nice to say about someone, don't say anything at all."

Hello from snowbell (don't ask)
Doc Destruction said:

I also enjoyed Ditko's reaction. Talk about the opposite of flaunting ego. Wow.

That had me rolling on the ground laughing.
Phaedrus45 said:
I thought the best part of the interview was Bendis telling about his phone call at the very beginning. From there, it was just a bunch of buttkissing. Very dull, and the questions didn't interest me in the least. I'd rather hear questions about the characters and storylines through the years....what Stan thinks worked, what didn't. I would like to know about how Stan felt about his stint at DC. Loads of other stuff...just not the four pages of boring that they did go over. If I wanted buttkissing, I'd just watch Oprah when she had on John Travolta, Halie Berry, or Tom Cruise.
Exactly. This was just a butt-kissing scene, not an interview.

So let me get this right; you're upset because Stan doesn't respond to any interview he does in the way YOU think HE should? Laughable. If Stan had got on and kissed DC's ass or praised some 'overlooked' writer, which would of course also be of your undoubtedly 'wise' choosing, it wouldn't be asskissing then. No, it'd be 'hard hitting', it'd be 'genuine'.

Stan behaves like class act and praises someone who writes stuff you hate and you're ready to dismiss it based on your own bias. In essence, dismissing Stan Lee, a man who gets so many props for the work he's done over the years, because he won't stoop to general Hype level judgmental rhetoric?

Gold. Pure gold.
Uhm, I was actually referring to the fact that Bendis was kissing Stan's ass, not the other way around.
Doc Destruction said:
Now, bear in mind that Stan lavishes praise over everyone he talks to. I have NEVER heard the man rip on anyone. Ever. So I would take that with a grain of salt.

Phaedrus45 said:
I thought the best part of the interview was Bendis telling about his phone call at the very beginning. From there, it was just a bunch of buttkissing. Very dull, and the questions didn't interest me in the least. I'd rather hear questions about the characters and storylines through the years....what Stan thinks worked, what didn't. I would like to know about how Stan felt about his stint at DC. Loads of other stuff...just not the four pages of boring that they did go over. If I wanted buttkissing, I'd just watch Oprah when she had on John Travolta, Halie Berry, or Tom Cruise.

I was referring to this little 2 piece combo, but if you want me to encompass you in it as well....
Well, considering you weren't quoting anyone, it was reasonable to assume you were talking to me.
I don't think so, seeing that my argument through the past 2 pages were with Doc and Darth mainly. I don't think I quoted you prior to this, you just happened to be the last one posting.
So that would logically mean that anyone posting afterwards, with the obvious tone of a reply, would be replying to me. It's no big deal Genesis, I was just confused for a second there.
Yeah, I suppose I should have put the quotes in there. I know how fragile you are these days.:(
Harlekin said:
Uhm, I was actually referring to the fact that Bendis was kissing Stan's ass, not the other way around.

Of course.
Why did that sound incredibly sarcastic?

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