Best Animated TV shows Tournament

It's going to be a huge shame when this is over. I've really enjoyed coming on here everyday and seeing what's against what and getting to vote.
I'd just take this time to say well done Incrediblejeff for taking the time to make this and for running it really well! Thank you Jeff!
Batman, by the way, what happened to the simpsons? Was it in the competition?
Funny, because if this was SImpsons vs Batman i would vote for Simpsons but since it's futurama vs Batman i vote for Batman
It's going to be a huge shame when this is over. I've really enjoyed coming on here everyday and seeing what's against what and getting to vote.
I'd just take this time to say well done Incrediblejeff for taking the time to make this and for running it really well! Thank you Jeff!

No Problem,I had fun glad to see you did too .

Batman leading


And yeah Simpsons beat Futurama.
Winner winner chicken dinner.
It would be a huge comeback victory for Futurama.
I'm going to be hypocritical and change my vote to Futurama, because why the hell not. I want to make it more interesting.

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