I just think all the Batman films can be proud of their casting.
Ignore how well she performed, or whether you liked her, but Alicia Silverstone was THE teen star of her time, she headlined Clueless.
Jim Carrey was very successful with Ace Ventura and The Mask.
Jack Nicholson doesn't just star in any film.
Michelle Pfeiffer is one of her generations greatest actresses.
Christopher Walken is Christopher Walken.
Nicole Kidman, Drew Barrymore and Kim Basinger can thank the Batman films for their careers. Poor Uma Thurman though, it took Quentin Tarantino to save hers.
Gary Oldman was Dracula!
Morgan Freeman is a much respected actor.
You get the idea. I can't think of any other franchise to boast such an impressive cast. That's because people want to be associated with Batman.