Best Bro Tournament


Aug 18, 2006
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Luigi's Diary said:
I heard a rumor that I actually have lots of fans. Wow! What great news! To live up to their expectations, I want to play the lead in an adventure! Of course, my name would have to be in the title. That'd be sweet... But I know it'll never happen...

Behind every great hero is a great sidekick, a "bro" if you will. Unsung heroes and loyal friends to the protagonists, they've always got their back and are ready to leap into action at a moment's notice. Sometimes they go on to star in their own games, and other times they stay in the background, but almost all of them have built up their own dedicated fanbase.

I want everyone to nominate five video game "bros". These can be secondary playable characters, prominent NPCs, RPG party members, stuff like that.

You can only nominate one character per franchise, so choose carefully.

I received a number of complaints in the last tournament about the pictures and/or quotes I used to represent characters. If you wish, you can supply your own pictures* and quotes in your nominations and I'll choose from among those.

*No gifs and no fan art that isn't an accurate representation of the way the characters actually look. Also, resize the pictures if they're very large.
Are we still deciding winners all willy nilly like or is there gonna be an official X amount of votes or X amount of time passed determines winner?

Anyway I say:

Victor Sullivan (Uncharted)

Dom Santiago (Gears of War)

Garrus Vakarian (Mass Effect)

Hal 'Otacon' Emmerich (Metal Gear Solid)

Claptrap (Borderlands)
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First round will be willy nilly. Based on how many people are voting, I'll come up with a X amount of votes to win.
Tails (Sonic series)
Luigi (Mario series)
Cortana (Halo series)
Catwoman (Arkham City)
Price (MW series)
knuckles from sonic
goofy from kingdom hearts
robin from arkham city
raul passos from max payne 3
nikolai from modern warfare
lydia from skyrim
Why just 5 nominees and not the typical 10?

1. Elika (Prince of Persia)
2. Chloe (Uncharted)
3. Yoshi (Mario)
4. Packie (GTA4)
5. Daxter (Jak and Daxter)

Not exactly my top 5, but I chose people that weren't nominated already as they'd go in anyway
As a GTAIV fan, I'm just curious about the fascination about Packie's sidequests....did you (and apparently others on this forum) like Packie that much? I thought he was a'ight and all that, but he wasn't nearly as fun as Lil' Jacob and others, imho.
Packie was okay, but Yusif was the man.

Soapy, do the nominees have to be humanoid characters or can we include non talking alien/animal characters as well?
As a GTAIV fan, I'm just curious about the fascination about Packie's sidequests....did you (and apparently others on this forum) like Packie that much? I thought he was a'ight and all that, but he wasn't nearly as fun as Lil' Jacob and others, imho.
Yes! Im upset Packie never got his own DLC as a starring character. He was my favorite secondary character
Dom Santiago - Gears of War
Garrus Vakarian - Mass Effect
Yoshi - Mario
Serana - Skyrim
Cortana - Halo

Edit: as they're nearly all already nominated (except Serana) I'll change up for:

Alicia Valera - Gears of War (replacing Dom)
Thane Krios - Mass Effect (replacing Garrus)
Ghost - MW2
Frank Woods - Black Ops
Tails - sonic
Luigi - mario
price/soap - call of duty modern warfare
knuckles - sonic
clank - ratchet and clank
globox - rayman
sully - uncharted
Rico Velasquez - Killzone
Big bo - binary domain
oswald the lucky rabbit - epic mickey

But the number one sidekick for me is Tails!
Why just 5 nominees and not the typical 10?

Because these tournaments typically go on for way too ****ing long in my opinion.

Soapy, do the nominees have to be humanoid characters or can we include non talking alien/animal characters as well?

No, they can be whatever. It doesn't matter.
Sully - Uncharted
Diddy Kong - Donkey Kong Country
Knuckles - Sonic
Yoshi - Mario
Price - Modern Warfare
Oh, me!

Dogmeat (Fallout 3)
Diana (Hitman)
Yusif (GTA IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony)
Cass (Fallout New Vegas)

I guess that's it. Garrus and other have already been nominated, so that's cool.
Luigi (Mario)
Rush (Mega Man)
Tails (Sonic)
Peppy (Star Fox)
Sully (Uncharted)
Diddy Kong (Donkey Kong)
Otacon (Metal Gear)
Navi (Zelda)
Lady (Devil May Cry 3)
Varric Tethras - Dragon Age 2

"There's a recipe to a good hero, Hawke, it's like alchemy. Take one part down to earth, one part selfless nobility, two parts crazy fool, and season liberally with wild falsehoods. Let that percolate through a good audience for a while, and when you're done, you've got your hero".

HK-47 - Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

"Observation: I am a droid, master, with programming. Even if I did not enjoy killing, I would have no choice. Thankfully, I enjoy it very much."

Vivi Ornitier - Final Fantasy IX

I have to find out who I am... I'm scared... What if I'm not even human...?

Zero - Mega Man X

"I never cared about justice, and I don't recall ever calling myself a hero. I have always only fought for the people I believe in. I won't hesitate... If an enemy appears in front of me, I will destroy it!"

Darklings - The Darkness

"I like Penguins!"
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Can't believe I forgot Zero. He's the most awesome ''best bro'' of all.
Garrus Vakarian (Mass Effect)
The Arbiter (Halo)
Serana (Skyrim)
Scorch (Star Wars: Republic Commando)
Ken (Street Fighter)
Roman (Grand Theft Auto IV)

Others receiving my votes:
Garrus (Mass Effect)
Cortana (Halo)
Luigi (Mario Bros.)
Tails (Sonic The Hedgehog)
Alright, let's do this!

First match, round one:

Cass from Fallout: New Vegas


I don't mind trailblazing as long as we've got the ammo... and whiskey.


Oswald the Lucky Rabbit from Epic Mickey

Ah damn, don't know either. Gonna have to watch the first match. How many votes does it take for a character to win anyway? Or do you just leave the match open for 24 hours and who has the most votes wins?

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