Best looking bat-suit?

If its from the comics my favourites the one from Morrisons JLA.
That glorious time in the 90s where batman left his grey tights behind and donned an appropriatley darker costume.
I prefer the current Batman suit with the dark grey and black colors and with the black bat on his chest instead of the yellow oval.
TheFalcon said:
I prefer the current Batman suit with the dark grey and black colors and with the black bat on his chest instead of the yellow oval.

I love the blue and grey done by Neal Adams and Aparo, and Breyfogle. I also like when he had a black suit in the 90's after the Knightfall saga.
Yea the black suit was cool too. But comparing that to the dark blue and gray I think it is not as cool.
Alex Ross Batman
Jim Lee Batman

Batman Returns
Batman Begins

My 4 favorite
Yea, but if I had to narrow it down to only one. Jim Lee's Batman for comics and Batman Returns Batman for movies. Begins was cool and all since he could actually move his head but the suit in Returns looked more like the comics.
Batman in Green Lantern Rebirth looked more like his dark badass self than he ever has in his own titles, and that's saying something, because he looks pretty darkly badass in his own titles these days. Exception would be the end of Knightsend, when the real Batman returns to Wayne Manor and confronts fake Batman.
In the comics, Jim Lee's Batman is my favorite, but on film, it's the Begins suit.

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