It's so difficult to choose. Funnily enough my "Best Zelda games of all time" list is pretty much identical to my "Best Games of All Time" list, except minus a few Marios.
4. The Wind Waker- It's a really, really FANTASTIC game, but it IS on the short and easy side. 9.6/10
3. A Link to the Past. I adore this game. It deserves a much better rep than it got. And it got an AWESOME rep. Seriously, I jsut fell in love with the depth of this game- it's a 2D game which kicks the ass of 99.99% of 3D games ever. 9.8/10
2. Ocarina of Time- I never thought this would be replaced. From the moment I played it, this was a 10. When taken as a game, it's STILL a 10. The depth, the sidequests, the story, the dungeons, the items, the sheer... ZELDA feeling is unbeatable. 10/10
1. Twilight Princess. They say you can't improve on perfection. They're wrong. Twilight Princess is a better game than OoT. And yet I gave OoT because to give it ANYTHING less than 10/10 is simply criminal. TP is Ocarina times 2. I can literally think of nothing OoT did better than Twilight Princess. From the wolf, to the Wiimote controls, to the breathtaking storyline and finally to the epic final boss which sets the bar higher for all boss fights in all video games ever, this was the best game I've ever played.