Zelda Universe, a title thus far unannounced by Nintendo has been outed thanks to a rating for an "online" platform by the ESRB. Even though Nintendo has not made a announcement hinting at a new Zelda game or the addition of an online component to existing Zelda projects, the mention of an "online" platform suggests they may have something up their sleeves afterall. The game only had one word for contest description, "violence." I need a moment to gather myself.
The Entertainment Software Rating Board, aka the ESRB, has gained a reputation for rating unannounced games. Today that trend continues, as a rating for Zelda Universe appeared despite the lack of any indication a game by that name actually exists.
Zelda: OoT 3D is set for next month and LoZ: Skyward Sword is on course for a 2011 release. Could Zelda Universe be an unannounced online Zelda title for the "Wii 2"? Or does the listing as an "online platform" indicate their online hub? "Zelda Universe" is the name of Zelda's official website -- but the ESRB doesn't rate websites, so could it be just a fancy flash game? So many questions!