Sony Spin-Off Black Cat/Silver Sable spinoff film

And also a JACKPOT movie is in development.
Really, it was Black Cat I was interested in, so splitting them up in and of itself doesn't concern me. Although this means further delay and I'd say more doubt as to whether these will happen.
Really, it was Black Cat I was interested in, so splitting them up in and of itself doesn't concern me. Although this means further delay and I'd say more doubt as to whether these will happen.

And, for me, I thought Silver Sable was a much better choice for a solo movie than probably any of the others. Given all the rumored characters, I was worried the movie would not only be overcooked but would suck up all of Spider-Man, preventing Marvel from using them. To me, this is reassuring.
A Black Cat film without Spider-Man. What could possibly go wrong?
Really, it was Black Cat I was interested in, so splitting them up in and of itself doesn't concern me. Although this means further delay and I'd say more doubt as to whether these will happen.

And, for me, I thought Silver Sable was a much better choice for a solo movie than probably any of the others. Given all the rumored characters, I was worried the movie would not only be overcooked but would suck up all of Spider-Man, preventing Marvel from using them. To me, this is reassuring.

I thought it was interesting to pair them together, I was very curious to see how this movie would play. Seems like a fun idea to just throw them together. This move tells me they think the characters are strong enough to hold their own films. I think Silver Sable has the best chance since she's less known and thus more creative freedom. I think Black Cat, though I like her character more, has the risk of looking too much like a Catwoman rip-off which is why I think they originally planned a team up film.
Apparently Silver & Black is going to be that they can make separate solo movies for Black Cat and Silver Sable :dry:

And also a JACKPOT movie is in development.

I thought it was interesting to pair them together, I was very curious to see how this movie would play. Seems like a fun idea to just throw them together. This move tells me they think the characters are strong enough to hold their own films. I think Silver Sable has the best chance since she's less known and thus more creative freedom. I think Black Cat, though I like her character more, has the risk of looking too much like a Catwoman rip-off which is why I think they originally planned a team up film.

I wasn't opposed to teaming them together. I had concerns that it felt like they had thirty different villains in the movie, which made it harder to put those characters in a Spider-Man movie.
Sony really does want to take all their toys home with them don't they?
She's kinda almost too well known. I don't doubt she could do it, but I it depends.
Am I crazy or should Insomniac be creative consultants on the Silver Sable movie? Really like there interpretation of her in the PS4 game. I could see the movie working like Expendables or Suicide Squad with Sable playing a Waller type that actually gets her hands dirty in the field.
Oh, I don’t think that’s a good idea. It would be like saying raimi did so well at the movie he should oversee the video game. Let the video game people do their thing and the movie people do their thing. They can chat to each other but I don’t think they need to godfather each other
Milla Jovovich/Charlize Theron as Silver Sable

Mila Kunis as Black Cat
As long as they're both good. I have no problem. After seeing these two in Spider-Man ps4, I really want them to appear in live action asap. Not having Spider-Man around might not seem ideal, but I think they can find a wayto make a good story without the Spider-Man.
Considering they're both probably gonna be grown ass women it'd be a little iffy with them playing cat and mouse with Tom Holland.
I don’t think so, that’s pretty much what happened in the comics.

Plus, as long as he’s 18 there’s nothing wrong with cougars
A smarter solution than Black/Silver.
A Black Cat solo film could be fun. She's long overdue.

Felicity Jones. :hrt:
I would watch a Black Cat origin film starring Felicity Jones.

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