Bobby Knight Appreciation Thread...


Aug 14, 2005
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Since Coach Knight has now resigned. I figured it would be fitting to show some love.

I honestly thought he would end up dying on the court. I am pretty shocked he is leaving.

He brought a lot to Bloomington, & I was sickened by the way he was fired. To this day I call it an assassination. The man got fired for doing something he had been doing since he started at IU.

That aside he was a great coach. Him, & Dean Smith are the 2 old school coaches I have always looked up to. It is really sad to see that era dying.

Heres to you B-Knight.:up::waa:
Bob Knight was one of the great basketball minds. A great coach. I had the opportunity to see him speak at a clinic once and it was fantastic just to be in the room with him. The motion offense and man to man defense will always be the manliest way to play the game. It is the right way.

Don't much care for the man, but I can respect his ability to coach at that level for a very long time.
I think he probably took things too far, and I didn't always agree with his methods, but...his results were okay.
Bobby Knight will always have my respect....One of the best
BUT...He went a lil too far sometimes
outside of John Wooden, he's the greatest coach in college basketball history.
Right now, Tom Izzo is the best.
Tom Izzo at the moment, nope... he's up there, but Coach K and Williams are better.

The MSU squad at the moment worries me... it doesn't look like the kids are listening to him.
I always respected Coach Knight. He placed himself among the game's all-time elite at Indiana, winning 3 titles, and did well at Texas Tech, having 5 20-win seasons at a school that's not a traditional power.

His antics certainly caught a lot of attention, but I pay more attention to what he was able to produce on the court. Sad to see he's off the bench. I used to harbor a little hope that he'd get back at a more traditional basketball school and piece together another Final Four run or two. Could still be; his interview on ESPN says this retirement may not be permanent.
Even ahead of Dean Smith?

Dean Smith was great but you name it and Bob Knight has done it.

He's taken team's undefeated. He's won gold medals, he's won NIT's. He has the most wins of any coach. He beat Dean Smith head to head in the national title game, and with all that i'd have to put him ahead of him.
This is going to sound way, way, way! Crazy, but I since he said never say never about returning. I wouldn't mind seeing him become the coach for Da Bulls. I don't know how he would be as a pro coach though. His agressive techniques wouldn't fly to well I don't think, but I still think it would be interesting.
This is going to sound way, way, way! Crazy, but I since he said never say never about returning. I wouldn't mind seeing him become the coach for Da Bulls. I don't know how he would be as a pro coach though. His agressive techniques wouldn't fly to well I don't think, but I still think it would be interesting.

He would never coach the pro's

they would never adapt to his style, they are divas, babies who would cry foul whenever he yelled at them.
I'm going to go to next UGA game, strangle a ref, and scream profanities at players all in Bob's honor.

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