Brand new clip from MSN


Mutant Tiger
Apr 5, 2006
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56 posted about a new clip from MSN, Its a new clip of what I believe happens prior to the bridge scene, Check it out here, Click where it says Exclusive clip: "Brotherhood Takes the Bridge"
Thanks...That looked pretty cool..

I liked how everyone had their own little walk.. :D

Is it me or is the camera work on that scene too realistic looking, like a daytime talk show. Almost like they used a higher fps rate.
Another clips I really dig...

Damn I geuss mags is just letting it all hang out in this movie... I love how some people initialy think Earthquake and hey that makes perfect sense then they realize what is about to happen, that one man is tossing cars around like toys, and the bIRDGE IS STARTING TO GO...
I would follow Magneto anywhere, is is so awesome...:o

damn I wish I could be an evil mutant for a day.
Omahyra was totally doing her catwalk strut during that.
Boiiinng said:
Is it me or is the camera work on that scene too realistic looking, like a daytime talk show. Almost like they used a higher fps rate.
I think it's just how MSN has the clip...It'd be kinda weird for just that scene to have such a higher rate than all the other ones we've seen..

How does a movie slip almost twenty minutes of footage out before it is even released to the general public... that's just a real head scratcher
That is freakin cool. This is making me more and more hyped to see the movie, and I was already hyped before hehe.
Heh...Interesting point, DroolingforGwen..

If you put together all the scenes from the tv spots, internet clips, and the 7 minute footage, not counting repeat footage in the trailers, spots, and clips,...After I did some estimations and some calculations...

Heh...Interesting enough, you'd have approximately 13 minutes of the movie already.. :D

TNC9852002 said:
Heh...Interesting point, DroolingforGwen..

If you put together all the scenes from the tv spots, internet clips, and the 7 minute footage, not counting repeat footage in the trailers, spots, and clips,...After I did some estimations and some calculations...

Heh...Interesting enough, you'd have approximately 13 minutes of the movie already.. :D


yea i already did something like that check my mini movie thread. im getting ready 2 add some clips up 2 the release date.
That was damn awesome. Magneto is getting close to the comics. The scene where he attacks the convoy transporting the imprisoned mutants will be awesome as well. Even though i hate the route the story is going with Phoenix with no flams and she dies again, as well as an underdeveloped Cyke who also dies, and while Xavier doesn't die which i suspected, it was sad to see him not get into a showdown with Phoenix and with his sheer will power and skill he defeats Phoenix. Oh well the movie so far looks awesome. I've had a change of heart, but i'm still a tiny nervous.
I wonder what Mags does to the human family in the car???
Dammit...I can't go into any thread anymore without someone dropping spoilery spoilers all over the place...

I almost ran too far into that MJB.. :mad:

chaseter said:
I wonder what Mags does to the human family in the car???

I'm betting that he tosses them into the air.
MJB said:
That was damn awesome. Magneto is getting close to the comics. The scene where he attacks the convoy transporting the imprisoned mutants will be awesome as well. Even though i hate the route the story is going with Phoenix with no flams and she dies again, as well as an underdeveloped Cyke who also dies, and while Xavier doesn't die which i suspected, it was sad to see him not get into a showdown with Phoenix and with his sheer will power and skill he defeats Phoenix. Oh well the movie so far looks awesome. I've had a change of heart, but i'm still a tiny nervous.

I'm kind of disappointed that it took Magneto a lot of effort just to get Dark Cerebro's door open, and in X3 it just seems so effortless for him to rip apart, levitate and move the Golden Gate Bridge. It just feels lame like that. And I liked how in Singer's movies, the didn't really show energy projection alot, only Storm's lightnings, Pyro's fire and Cyclop's kinetic beams. I hope all the energy projections we see in X3 are the ones mentioned above and Arclight's stupid clap..and maybe Psylocke's psi-blade. If it is overdone it will be too flashy and campy in my opinion.
psyonic said:
I'm kind of disappointed that it took Magneto a lot of effort just to get Dark Cerebro's door open, and in X3 it just seems so effortless for him to rip apart, levitate and move the Golden Gate Bridge. It just feels lame like that.

I don't know if mags had a hard time getting the door open. Maybe he was shutting the machine down first, he didn't look like he was struggling with the door.
Magneto kills everyone in that car, I'm guessing. Bwahaha! :)
Mr Lex Luthor said:
Magneto kills everyone in that car, I'm guessing. Bwahaha! :)
Probably, But a scene like that would be too disturbing for the audience to see.

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