yea god for bid and american born character...have an american flag behind him while swinging in and american city..for christ sakes people its an american movie..i dont complain when i see a british based movie and there is a british flag flying in the background..... the funny thing is people from other countries say we are the ones that are the problems "americans"....yet they are the ones complaining where as we dont really give a damn either way.....take a long look at who is the problem ..if you simply cant stand the sight of the american flag or the phrase the american way..maybe you guys are the ones with the problem and have certain prejudice views.... the funny thing is we are the ones always criticized for being greedy....but i bet we give more money starving countries than any other country in the world......and raise more money for, the fight against aids, cancer,other illnesses, saving the rain forrest, keeping historic buildings and places kept up all over the world...yet WE are the ones that are greedy unkind and self when i say we give money food and other services around the world there im directly discussing our government...... the others are causes that the average american helps to stop and gladly gives their money when we could just be greedy.....the only profit we get out of helping is the fact that we feel good that we gave money to help someone in need.....thanks for makin us feel like jack asses....maybe we should put our pocket books away...and stop traveling ...stop feeding these countries money and just seclude ourselves since we are so unliked.......that way you wont have to deal with us ever hows that sound...that includes no more trade we can make our own goods ... we have enough oil to supply ourselves....ya that sounds like a great idea..we will just stop burdening you all with our physical beings in your country....
im obviously being a smart ass but seriously dont get your panties in a bunch if you see something american show proudly its american heritage...i dont yell when i watch world cup cause the other teams fans are
showing their flag.....