Bruce Lee biopic

Sorry, I really liked the Dragon movie, Jason Lee was fantastic as Bruce and gotta say Lauren Holly was hot as hell back when that was made :hrt:.
Even though he's of Korean descent, John Cho would be good for this.
i loved dragon i thought jason scott lee was great as bruce gonna be hard tot top hm imo
I'm sure they'll go the Cloud Atlas route and throw Tom Hardy into some yellowface.
Bruce Lee story was an awesome film IMO...

But im not to sure of this in terms of a film.. Its supposed to be about his fight with wok man, i have no idea how to spell that guys name. this "man" character was who Bruce Lee had to fight in real life in order to teach anyone he wants.. This fight took place in a gym and 13 people saw including lee's wife.. I remember Lees wife saying that the fight lasted about a minute.. matter of fact she even said that "man" was trying to run away from Lee during the fight. Not sure how a movie will play out over a fight like that..
.. I remember Lees wife saying that the fight lasted about a minute.. matter of fact she even said that "man" was trying to run away from Lee during the fight. Not sure how a movie will play out over a fight like that..

That scene should play out to this:

Bruce Lee wasn't simply a martial arts movie star, he was a pop culture icon whose influence is still felt today. Countless documentaries have been made of his life, and Brandon Lee starred in the 1993 biopic 'Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story.' Now, a new origin story is being put together from the writers of 'Ali' and 'Nixon.' The new film is called 'The Birth of the Dragon,' and will largely focus on Bruce's duel with kung fu master Wong Jack Man. The no-rules duel took place in San Francisco in 1965. Apparently, scribes Christopher Wilkinson and Stephen Rivele will use this very real chapter of Lee's life as a jumping off point into an action film wherein Lee and Man team-up to battle Chinatown triads. As of right now, the project does not have a release date.

I'm a big fan of Bruce Lee. The guy was mesmerizing as a performer and as a martial artist, and his philosophy was fascinating. He is a man well-deserving of any number of films, documentary or narrative, that celebrate his life and his accomplishments. It's also encouraging to see that the companies putting together 'The Birth of the Dragon' have hired seasoned biopic professionals, two guys who have won awards for their biographical films in the past, to write the script. All that being said, one can't help but feel consternation at the idea of this very intense and pivotal event in Bruce's life being re-imagined as the inciting action for a gangster film. While on the one hand it would present the opportunity to uniquely blur the lines between Lee's life and his films, it also seems a bit gimmicky and disrespectful. My hope is that Wilkinson and Rivele will find a way to keep the focus on Lee's actual life experience and not simply on a commercially viable gangster movie.

What do you guys think? Is it a good idea to mix a biopic with such overtly fabricated genre elements? Any Bruce Lee fans want to defend this idea?

ok first yes i know brandon didnt play his dad in the last movie the site the news is from made the mistake and second seriously taking a biopic and turning it in to a fictitious buddy action movie :huh:
The only remaining question is: which white actor will get the lead starring role in this movie?
Sorry, I really liked the Dragon movie, Jason Lee was fantastic as Bruce and gotta say Lauren Holly was hot as hell back when that was made :hrt:.

Yeah she was hot but now she's a plastic mess.

I was surprised to read "Dragon: a bruce lee story" was roughly 30% accurate to the real deal

Hollywood. Go figure.
Jeez, a biopic with an actual title?

Not just selecting either the first or last name for a title as if it sounds artistic and poetic?

The list goes on and on...
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I'm sure it will end up being called "Lee"


Guy- I thought this movie would be about Robert E. Lee!
The only remaining question is: which white actor will get the lead starring role in this movie?

I already said Hardy is a lock.

"He just embodies everything about Bruce Lee, from the discipline, to the Asian-ness." - Casting director

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