Bulletproof was a badass...here is his backstory.
Special Agent Baldwin P. Vess is sent to Empire City by Mayor Davis to take down one of Empire City's most notorious criminals led by the criminal mastermind
Big Boss. Unfortunately, Vess got injured badly. Two versions were made on how he got injured by the Crooks: the first involved being sandwiched in between a delivery fish van and a brick wall that collasped on him afterwards (as told in the first part of
The Case of C.O.P.S. File #1) and the second having him being blown away when
Turbo Tu-Tone fired a
bazooka at the 647 Precinct on the floor where Vess was at as told in the comic adaptation. Vess had to be taken to a nearby
hospital where the doctors gave him a special armor plated cybernetic torso that allows him to resist bullets. While at the hospital he encounted
Rock Krusher and
Berserko, Big Boss' dim-witted
nephew (Berserko, Turbo, and Ms. Demeanor in the comic adaptation), who is sent by Big Boss to try to take him down by firing rifles at him, but Vess' torso resisted the bullets allowing Bulletproof (as he was called later on) to get the best of him while Rock Krusher escapes. While staying at the hospital, Bulletproof sent out
police officer, P.J. O'Malley (Codename:
LongArm) and rookie officer, Donny Brooks (Codename: HardTop) to round up the best law enforcers from all over the country. With these men and women, including LongArm, Hardtop, and Tina Cassidy (Codename: Mainframe), Special Agent Baldwin Vess (Codename: Bulletproof) became the founder and commander of C.O.P.S.