Can JLA do without Superman and Batman?


Jun 10, 2004
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Ok, seriously... I'm really concerned about a sequel of Superman Returns and Batman III movie.

Can they do without Superman and Batman? I mean, look at graphic novel called JLA Year One. They did without Superman and Batman.

I really want Superman Man of Steel and Batman III to be happen. Really.
I really want Batman 3, but not MOS.

So what I would do is leave Batman out and make it an all superpowered affair.
You take away half the hype of Justice League, if you keep Bats and Supes out of this. They have NEVER been seen together in a live-action blockbuster, it's a huge draw for the main audience.

It'd be stupid to come out the gate without the 2 main players of the team.
While JLA Year One was a fine read,I can't see WB execs green lighting a film without Supes and Bats.
That's like wanting to make a film about the 2001 Lakers without Shaq and Kobe. They are the highlight, the main attraction. The actors who play them aren't what is going to draw the audience, Batman and Superman are the headline names for this film....without them- it looses a lot of its punch. Sure, the film could still be great without them....but from a financial standpoint, it needs it's star players. Also- from a story standpoint- Superman and Batman offer great possibilities.

That's like wanting to make a film about the 2001 Lakers without Shaq and Kobe. They are the highlight, the main attraction. The actors who play them aren't what is going to draw the audience, Batman and Superman are the headline names for this film....without them- it looses a lot of its punch. Sure, the film could still be great without them....but from a financial standpoint, it needs it's star players. Also- from a story standpoint- Superman and Batman offer great possibilities.

agreed :up:
Nope, JLA needs his ICONS!! I mean the big three!! Super, Wondy and Bats!
Without Batman, yes, but this franchise cannot survive without Superman. It just cant, and my god I feel ur pain, I need MOS and Brandon back in the role he was born to play. I just hope they actually have a script that lets him speak this time.
The whole idea of a JLA movie is to establish lesser known heroes like Flash and Green Lantern in a movie with Superman and Batman. They'd never make one without them.

And Batman III isn't in jeopardy unless TDK flops. It was intended as a trilogy all along and Bale/Nolan have nothing to do with this.

MOS, while I hope it gets made, is more out there...
I'll take all three of them. JL, Batman III and MOS :D

But if I'd have to choose, I'd rather have JL over MOS and Batman III.

I'm 28 years old, I've seen five Superman movies (six if one includes Donner Cut) and I've seen five Batman movies (six when The Dark Knight is seen). I don't expect to live for ever, cancer made me aware of that, so I'll take the JL movie. Hopefully with a little Batman vs. Superman.

I want something new and something bigger. Hopefully before i turn 40. I've had it with sequels.

But I wont go crying my tears if JL without Superman and Batman happens. I'm a fanboy and I'll go see any superheromovie ever gets made, as long as it's not Catwoman II. But I'd prefer JL over MOS and Batman III.
That's like wanting to make a film about the 2001 Lakers without Shaq and Kobe. They are the highlight, the main attraction. The actors who play them aren't what is going to draw the audience, Batman and Superman are the headline names for this film....without them- it looses a lot of its punch. Sure, the film could still be great without them....but from a financial standpoint, it needs it's star players. Also- from a story standpoint- Superman and Batman offer great possibilities.


One of the best analogies ever!
Remember that Avengers cartoon series a few years back without Iron Man, Captain America and Thor? That lasted about 2 weeks. You gotta have your main guys.
Remember that Avengers cartoon series a few years back without Iron Man, Captain America and Thor? That lasted about 2 weeks. You gotta have your main guys.
The only reason why I really care for GL, Flash, WW, Aquaman and MM is because Superman and Batman were in the JL with them. These two are the reason why I watched the JL toon way back. They are the reason why I got acquainted with almost every other JL members (emphasing on the BIG 7 of course). Without those two, I would never really know (by googling, wikiing and of course, sampling their comic books) and care for these character.

So no, a JL movie CANNOT do without Superman and Batman... :word:
Anyone who'd take Superman and Batman out of the JLA does not understand the concept of the JLA whatsoever
I agree. If for some unknown reason Superman and Batman were not in it, i'd prolly skip it and wait for the DvD.
JLA could survive without Batman and Superman. But it shouldn't be without them.
No dude, it'd be great! Just look at the CBS live-action show. No big 3 and it was super-duper!

Heres the deal;

This JL project is currently pissing off Nolan by going over his storyline; and the direction of the project is really beginning to suck....

With no shooting script, I say they should put JL on the backburner until after Superman MoS and Batman III.

This way they'll have time to get JL right and they can do these solo films without any problems. They can also bring Christian and Brandon in after Batman III without problems.

Doing JL now always felt like jumping to the end of the book after only reading the first chapters.
This JL project is currently pissing off Nolan by going over his storyline; and the direction of the project is really beginning to suck....

How is this project going over Nolan's storyline?
That's not going over his storyline though. It's continuing it, if anything.

Unless Nolan planned to have Talia and/or Ra's in the third film, then JL have every right to use these characters. No point in just leaving them for the trash-bin.
Thats the thing. We know the writers were pissed about them using that specific storyline so who knows what Nolan had planned with Ras/Talia for his trilogy.

Maybe he had planned things to come full circle in Batman III. I knew they werent just gonna end Ras the way they did in Begins.

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