The Batman is a show on Kids WB that will start its fourth season this fall in September. It was a tie-in to Batman Begins as it also tells the beginnings of Bruce Wayne as Batman. The first season took place in his third year where his double identity helped out in ending the crime wave. But after the capturing of Rupert Throne, his familar rogues gallery comes in and he faces them for the first time. The first season was a setup season as it started up what the show was. Then in season two, it improved the first season to many fans.
In season two, it was about the road to the tradional mythos. While it continued with Batman fighting his rogues gallery for the first time with new villians, the tradional elements of Commissioner Gordon, the Bat-Signal, and the Gotham Police trust in Batman leading to him being the city's protector was introduced as well. With the end of that season, Batman's "origin" as the dark kngiht of Gotham ends.
Then in season three, which is weak, it introduced the other element in the mythos of Batmsn's sidekicks in Batgirl. Again, more villians are brought for Batman to face and Batgirl was brought for three reasons: 1) Because Robin was still on Teen Titans and couldn't be used at the time, 2) they probably wanted something for the female audience, 3) Batman was the young guy in Seasons 1-2 so now with Batgirl, he started to "grow up".
Finally, the upcoming fourth season presents a darker tone to the show. With Robin in the team and the first episode beign his origin and introduction, more villians (of course), alot more mythos from the comics, and familar voice actors coming in (Conroy & Hamill), fans are pleased and can't wait for the next season that will hope that tghe TB-haters will start liking it.